Thursday 29 September 2011

Have I changed?

Thats a question that has been rolling around my head for quite a while now, and when I think about it, the answer is yes. I've changed quite abit.

Not only has my appearance changed dramatically since this time last year, my personality has changed too. I'm less of a closed box, shy person. I like to think I put myself out there abit more now, and am a more approachable person to talk to.
I've already started to notice that when I walk, I walk abit prouder, not ashamed about myself.
As another way of putting it, I refer to a quote I heard from someone a while back. "Nuts on the road". Lay whatever i've got out and just go for it. Why the fuck not?

I've recently started doing Karate properly, at a local club. I've always been interested in martial arts, especially from an early age, but never had the motivation or the facilities to do so. So i've been really lucky finding this club. I already know that it's something I want to do. I think this and perhaps one other thing are the activities I want to persue properly.
That other thing being music. I'm not good at writing songs, infact I'm fucking awful at writing songs. But I think if I worked with the right person/people, i've possibly got the potential and the ability to atleast fulfill my expectaions from my music. Now all i've got to do is find the right people, though i've already got some people in mind...

I've just realised that everything i've just written wont make much grammatical sense, but fuck it, I cant be arsed to go back and sort it all out now.
I've also realised how much i've been neglecting my blog. I think the title of the blog has really put me off. I might have to either rename the blog, or just start a new one. The title really doesn't reflect my feelings at the moment. (I'll keep you posted on that decision).

Uni is starting again soon, I'm happier and more confident, things are looking up!
I really cant wait for the next few weeks - they're going to be mint!

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