Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Times they have a Changed.

As I mentioned in my last post, there was something going down today that I was keeping secret, so it could be a surprise for my mom.
Essentially, I couldn't be arsed to wait for September to keep the surprise going, so i've revealed it, and now I can reveal it to you too.

Escuse the poor quality picture, as it was taken on my phone, but i've chopped off the hair!

Going to spend some time messing with it, getting to how I like it, but there it is.
It feels really fucking wierd to not have it blowing in the wind, and to be able to see bits of my ears. Time for a stretcher perhaps?

Let me know what you think!

Sunday 28 August 2011

The times they are a changin'...

I've not been listening to Bob Dylan, but I feel the next few days are going to be a real turning point in my life.
For those of you that already know whats going down, keep it a surprise for everyone else. I'm sure certain people I know will shit themselves with happiness when they find out whats going on...

 With the time that i've had by myself to think, i've been setting myself some goals to acheive. Most of them I probably wont actually reach, but at the time I thought I needed something to aim towards. At the moment, I feel like i'm a lost sheep, wandering around with no real aim in my life.
I need to find something i'm good at, and pour all my energy into it, so I can actually acheive something worthwhile in my life.
If you hadn't noticed, i've been in one of those deep thinking, soul searching kind of moods...

I haven't filled people in with what i've been up to recently. Probably because it's been a whole lot of fuck all...
To tell the truth, i've been applying for jobs, going to interviews, getting rejected and playing golf. Nothing too exciting, but I thought i'd let you know anyway.

It's also been a while since i've had a good rant. Finally, i've found something that has significantly pissed me off enough to make me rage.
Todays rant topic is: People with prams.
I admire people who have children, as it is something I too want to do in the future. I also have no problems with parents taking their children out shopping, or for a walk. It's infact a beautiful sight to see mother and baby out in the sun bonding.
However, what I do have a problem with is when they come out in gangs of about 5 of them, walking side by side down the pavement, as slow as humanly possible, making it impossible for those of us walking at a normal pace to get past.
Instead, I have to walk into the road, dodging double-decker busses and taxis, just to continue with my day without killing either myself, or the people infront of me.
Would it be too much to ask for these people to walk either abit quicker, or not side by side across the pavement, so people can get past them without having to walk into the road? I think not.
They even manage to piss me off when the child comes out of the pram and can walk. Some don't seem to care where the fuck their child runs, but then shouts at me when they start crying because they didn't look where the fuck it was running, and ran straight into me.
If they're going to have a child, atleast fucking control it when it's in a public place. (Easier said than done, I know, but atleast try to make an effort).
Rant over.

Hopefully going to start updating this abit more often. I feel i've been neglecting this recently. I'm disappointed in myself..

I remember one of my original posts on here, with a picture of a man who had used cats to replace his missing facial hair. Here is another man using a cat to be his facial hair. Making links with the past, I should be a time lord...

Sunday 21 August 2011

Deep, moody shit

I've been meaning to update this for the past few days, but have never been in the right mood to actually write anything worth reading (or stuff that makes sense).
Today is my first time being home alone in the new house in Chester, so i'm sitting in the dark, listening to my chilled out/inspirational playlist (Mostly consisting of John Mayer, Cat Stevens, some Aerosmith and DCFC) , some shit i've been thinking about recently is coming to the surface.
Hold tight motherfuckers!

You know that time when you're in bed, but not asleep? When all the lights are off, theres no sound (apart from the occasional ambulance or police car screaming past at top fucking volume) and you're mind is drifting to different things.
It's a very good time to think about stuff, and due to my fucked up sleep pattern, i've been spending several hours in this stage, so i've been thinking about some really random stuff, in a vain attempt to get to sleep.
Most the time I end up thinking about all the mistakes i've made over my life, or confrontations i've encountered that I could have handled differently. Occasionally, my mind wonders onto the future, to things that could happen, things that I would like to happen. But then I crash back down to reality, and to my really uncomfortable mattress.
I've even been thinking of ways I think I can change myself to perhaps better myself in life? Or maybe just to appease others.. Then I think "Why the fuck should I change to make others happy?" I'm not gonna lie and say i'm completely happy with the way I am at the moment, but I don't think I should have to change to make everyone else happy.
Thank god there are a few people that sometimes show me this, despite how drunk they are when they tell me...
I've also been thinking of questions i'd like to ask people, just to hear the answer. Some questions I really don't need to ask, becuase I already know what the answer is. But it's nice to hear it be said to you sometimes, apart from on special occasions...
Philosophical/deep Tom moment over for now...

In other news, for those of you who were interested, I think i've finally got a solid idea for a design for my tattoo I want to get. I know i've been talking about it for a long time, but considering i'm going to have it for the rest of my life, I wanted to put some serious thought into what I get, and make sure that i'm happy with it.
I've even started thinking of ideas for more tattoo's, once i've got this first one...
Now all I need to do is find a decent shop, get an actual design and then start saving up!

Since i'm here and writing away, i've just had this thought I wanted to jot down. I've just been flicking through my Facebook, and i've noticed I really don't have that many pictures of myself. I could sprout off a whole list of reasons for this, with the fundamental one being that I don't like having my picture taken. However, I think (during my endless thinking sessions) i've worked out why that was. I used to be horrendously self conscious. And I think it's time to change, for my own good rather than others.
Something is telling me right now that the moral of this blog is that I need to do things because I want to do them.

I always find it difficult to write and ending for an entry on here, with it always sounding like a clichéd pile of wank.
All I can do is aplogise for being a moody little bitch, and i'm going to prescribe myself a healthy dose of man the fuck up.
Cheers for reading and that. Hopefully next time I should be able to write about a slightly happier and upbeat subject than my current psyche.

Thursday 18 August 2011


To all those people that read this, and got their results today...



It's been a while since i've last updated, so I thought i'd be "Pro-active" (Oh yeah, I referenced the title. Deal with it.) and update you dedicated readers on what's been going down.

Tuesday night I was coerced into going out, despite most people knowing how much I generally dislike going out. Either way, I manned up, fixed up, looked sharp and went out.
We started at Lakota, and eventually moved onto RB's, for the big gay rave.
In one night I saw some rather odd looking people, and discovered that I don't like rave music. However, the cheesy party tunes that were on before that were ok.
Got chatting to someone who I haven't seen for a while, which was pretty cool, but I entivitably did classic night out Tom and went home. Had a quick chat with "honest Liam" later on, and learnt some cool stuff.
However, I digress.
I spent Wednesday crushing some more civilizations on Civ 5, and then went out for a meal in the evening. All-in-all, not too eventful, so again, I shall move on.
This morning I had a job interview at Chester Radio Taxis. I expected it to be a fairly in depth interview, however I was shocked to find that the interview was over after about 5 minutes.
They also seem impressed by the fact that I can build computers. They are the first people i've ever met to be genuinely impressed by that. What a day brightener.
Just been shopping in Chester, which in itself was abit of a trial. Bought a couple of books, which I probably shouldn't have bought, but fuck it, I did it anyway.
One of them is aptly named "Can't be arsed", which really reflected how I was feeling at the time. Winner!

As much as I don't want to admit it, I actually enjoyed myself a little bit the other night. Might have to try going out again soon, hopefully when i've got abit more money. Need to make bank bro!
I think my little chat with "honest Liam" has given me abit of a confidence boost. I can walk around with my head held a little higher, and with a small spring in my step. Need more times like that.

So that was my week. Pretty uneventful, but life goes on. Half the house are going to be absent this weekend, as they're all sodding off to V festival, leaving me with a lonely weekend at home alone. I should probably be used to this by now. A fair excuse to just watch TV and play games in my boxers. As a good welsh friend of mine would say "That's lush as fuck."

It's been a while since i've posted an amusing picture, so here is one i've found from my collection:

Enjoy! x

Sunday 14 August 2011

Pro Golfer Tom!

I'd firstly like to apologise and correct my horrendous spelling mistake that I made in my last post.
My "cup parry room" should have been "Cupboardy room". Damn you Autocorrect!

I have now finally sorted out my internet troubles, and am slowly sorting out a job back here in Chester. In the time that I have spare, I have been playing much golf, and destroying worlds on Civ 5.

Whilst some of you may know that back home, I live at a golf club, and have done for my entire life. For most, they seem to think that because I live at a golf club, I must be pretty in to it, and play it all the time. However, this is not the case, and it has only been recently that i've really started to take an interest in the sport. I haven't been playing reguarly for long, but already i'm starting to notice dramatic changes in my game.
Hopefully, once mr student loan has come to the rescue, i'll be able to buy a decent set of clubs and my game should start to improve dramatically.
I'll have to keep you posted on how that goes.

I've had a comment today from a self confessed "dedicated reader" of my blog, which has made me abit happier, knowing that someone reads this incoherent list of bullshit.
To this person, I will certainly post a link to my other blog when it is finally up and going. Hold tight!


Wednesday 10 August 2011

New house!

Moved into my new house in Chester yesterday. It was bait of a drama getting the cars packed, but after the traffic jam, unloading and unpacking was fairly easy.
Only problem thus far is my lack of reliable internet, which is why I'm typing today's blog on liam's iPad.

For the above reason, I'm going to keep this fairly short, but I'll post again when I get Internet working again, with a full blown and heavily opinionated rant about the riots that have been going down.

Might even include some pictures of the new house, and my cup parry room...


Tuesday 9 August 2011

All Aboard!

As I sit here in a chair that I must soon break down, the house is full of my stuff, all packed up, ready for me to move back to Chester.
In usual "Tom" style, i've been saying all week that i'm not going to be taking much, and we'll only need one car. Now it's all layed out, i'm looking at it all, and thinking "How the fuck am I going to get this in one car?"

Anyways, the day for me to move back up to Chester has come. After being delayed by a week due to work commitments, I am finally packing up and rolling out.
Busy times ahead!

In other news, the country has been going to shit over the past 48 hours. You probably all know this from the unrelentless facebook updates, and it being the headline on EVERY news channel.
Watching all these reports, and looking at some of the live updates I saw, it has just made me lose all hope for Britain.
And whilst that might sound like i'm being a miserable bastard, it isn't. I genuinely have lost pretty much all hope for Britain at the moment.
I could spend all day talking about possible socio-economic reasons for this, and getting all Geography on yo' asses, but i'll just put it in my own perspective.

1) David Cameron and the Tories are all fucking useless dicks.
"Oh no, rioting in the country that I lead, but i cba to cut my holiday short until the very last fucking minute" - Dick

Fair play to Boris Johnson, whilst he may be an absolute fucking loonatic, he cut loose from his holiday and got back as soon as shit started going down.
He may be an complete nutter, but I have alot of respect for that man.
I sometimes think he's probably out on the street with the police trying to catch the hooligans!
Not sure if any of you saw the news report where Boris took part in a house raid with the police? - If you didn't, get on YouTube and watch it. Fucking hilarious.
Rant over.

Going to be an interesting couple of weeks coming up. Lots of shit going down, so keep coming back for updates!

Sunday 7 August 2011

Angry Motorist...

I've never really been one for road rage, but recently there have been some things that are really beginning to piss me off.

As some of you may know, I ride a motorbike. In itself, this is pretty sweet, and the miles per gallon is amazing, making it nice and cheap.
However, as a motorcyclist, i'm supposed to stay to the right/middle of the lane, so as to let other road users to get around me if they wish. Most of the time I am able to do this, and life as an easy rider is fantastic.

Unfortunately, there  issomething about the roads in Worcestershire that make this increasingly impossible for me...
I understand the fact that sometimes roads must be dug up, to gain access to water or gas pipes. I also understand that the road must be re-layed after this work is done, so as to make it safe to drive on. However, what I don't understand is why they cant re-surface the whole fucking road, rather than just one single fucking strip, right where i'm supposed to fucking ride.
Not sure how many of you know this, but riding a motorbike on one specific thin patch of road is surprisingly difficult, and having to keep riding over the seam of this road can really put you off balance.

I wouldn't mind if this was just on the odd road, but this is pretty much everywhere I ride.
Not only that, but it is on both sides of the road. They may aswell have just resurfaced the entire fucking road, and my motorcyclists lifes about 200% easier.

Cheers tight-arsed Worcestershire County Council.

This is not the only thing to have pissed me off recently, but the growing number of people I like to call "cunts".
I don't enjoy using that word, but I feel it is justified to describe these insane fucking motorists. For example, ones that think it's cool to overtake me just as i'm getting through a set of traffic lights.
I wouldn't have minded if they had waited about another 5 seconds, for me to get through the lights, but no. Mr fucking 1.0 litre Rover Metro had to try and get past me, and nearly cause me to plough strait into a steel pole at 50mph.

Thus ends my motorist rant.

Moving back up to Chester on Tuesday. Should be fun times. Off to become a pro golfer like.
Watch out Tiger Woods...

Thursday 4 August 2011

It's been a while

As the title suggests, its been a week or so since i've updated here. Not much has happened if i'm honest, which is why i haven't updated. Boring shit really.
And with the lack of response to my last idea, i've decided to go back to what i find easiest, and venting some pure fucking rage.

In quite a pissed off mood today. Too many things have been getting to me, and i've been letting the rage build slowly. Sometime soon something is gonna tip me over the edge, and i'm going to drop a fucking rage bomb there and then. I feel sorry for whoever it is that will be on the receiving end of that one.

In other news, my brother is coming home for the weekend, quite looking forward to that in an odd kind of way. The last time i saw his face was at easter, and before that it was christmas. Don't get to see him too often, and i wouldn't have seen him if i hadn't been staying at home for an extra week.
Plenty to catch up on, and considering its probably gonna be the last time i see his face for a year or something, a fair amount of banter to be had.

If you are one of the few readers of this dead end blog, then i wouldn't expect too many more updates. I'm going to be pouring my energy and time into my other blog that i am writing, and other projects that i am involved in. Occasionally, there may be the odd rage update, but thats about it.