Thursday 18 August 2011


It's been a while since i've last updated, so I thought i'd be "Pro-active" (Oh yeah, I referenced the title. Deal with it.) and update you dedicated readers on what's been going down.

Tuesday night I was coerced into going out, despite most people knowing how much I generally dislike going out. Either way, I manned up, fixed up, looked sharp and went out.
We started at Lakota, and eventually moved onto RB's, for the big gay rave.
In one night I saw some rather odd looking people, and discovered that I don't like rave music. However, the cheesy party tunes that were on before that were ok.
Got chatting to someone who I haven't seen for a while, which was pretty cool, but I entivitably did classic night out Tom and went home. Had a quick chat with "honest Liam" later on, and learnt some cool stuff.
However, I digress.
I spent Wednesday crushing some more civilizations on Civ 5, and then went out for a meal in the evening. All-in-all, not too eventful, so again, I shall move on.
This morning I had a job interview at Chester Radio Taxis. I expected it to be a fairly in depth interview, however I was shocked to find that the interview was over after about 5 minutes.
They also seem impressed by the fact that I can build computers. They are the first people i've ever met to be genuinely impressed by that. What a day brightener.
Just been shopping in Chester, which in itself was abit of a trial. Bought a couple of books, which I probably shouldn't have bought, but fuck it, I did it anyway.
One of them is aptly named "Can't be arsed", which really reflected how I was feeling at the time. Winner!

As much as I don't want to admit it, I actually enjoyed myself a little bit the other night. Might have to try going out again soon, hopefully when i've got abit more money. Need to make bank bro!
I think my little chat with "honest Liam" has given me abit of a confidence boost. I can walk around with my head held a little higher, and with a small spring in my step. Need more times like that.

So that was my week. Pretty uneventful, but life goes on. Half the house are going to be absent this weekend, as they're all sodding off to V festival, leaving me with a lonely weekend at home alone. I should probably be used to this by now. A fair excuse to just watch TV and play games in my boxers. As a good welsh friend of mine would say "That's lush as fuck."

It's been a while since i've posted an amusing picture, so here is one i've found from my collection:

Enjoy! x

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