Thursday 4 August 2011

It's been a while

As the title suggests, its been a week or so since i've updated here. Not much has happened if i'm honest, which is why i haven't updated. Boring shit really.
And with the lack of response to my last idea, i've decided to go back to what i find easiest, and venting some pure fucking rage.

In quite a pissed off mood today. Too many things have been getting to me, and i've been letting the rage build slowly. Sometime soon something is gonna tip me over the edge, and i'm going to drop a fucking rage bomb there and then. I feel sorry for whoever it is that will be on the receiving end of that one.

In other news, my brother is coming home for the weekend, quite looking forward to that in an odd kind of way. The last time i saw his face was at easter, and before that it was christmas. Don't get to see him too often, and i wouldn't have seen him if i hadn't been staying at home for an extra week.
Plenty to catch up on, and considering its probably gonna be the last time i see his face for a year or something, a fair amount of banter to be had.

If you are one of the few readers of this dead end blog, then i wouldn't expect too many more updates. I'm going to be pouring my energy and time into my other blog that i am writing, and other projects that i am involved in. Occasionally, there may be the odd rage update, but thats about it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I love reading your blog and would be interested to see this other one. Link?
