Sunday 28 August 2011

The times they are a changin'...

I've not been listening to Bob Dylan, but I feel the next few days are going to be a real turning point in my life.
For those of you that already know whats going down, keep it a surprise for everyone else. I'm sure certain people I know will shit themselves with happiness when they find out whats going on...

 With the time that i've had by myself to think, i've been setting myself some goals to acheive. Most of them I probably wont actually reach, but at the time I thought I needed something to aim towards. At the moment, I feel like i'm a lost sheep, wandering around with no real aim in my life.
I need to find something i'm good at, and pour all my energy into it, so I can actually acheive something worthwhile in my life.
If you hadn't noticed, i've been in one of those deep thinking, soul searching kind of moods...

I haven't filled people in with what i've been up to recently. Probably because it's been a whole lot of fuck all...
To tell the truth, i've been applying for jobs, going to interviews, getting rejected and playing golf. Nothing too exciting, but I thought i'd let you know anyway.

It's also been a while since i've had a good rant. Finally, i've found something that has significantly pissed me off enough to make me rage.
Todays rant topic is: People with prams.
I admire people who have children, as it is something I too want to do in the future. I also have no problems with parents taking their children out shopping, or for a walk. It's infact a beautiful sight to see mother and baby out in the sun bonding.
However, what I do have a problem with is when they come out in gangs of about 5 of them, walking side by side down the pavement, as slow as humanly possible, making it impossible for those of us walking at a normal pace to get past.
Instead, I have to walk into the road, dodging double-decker busses and taxis, just to continue with my day without killing either myself, or the people infront of me.
Would it be too much to ask for these people to walk either abit quicker, or not side by side across the pavement, so people can get past them without having to walk into the road? I think not.
They even manage to piss me off when the child comes out of the pram and can walk. Some don't seem to care where the fuck their child runs, but then shouts at me when they start crying because they didn't look where the fuck it was running, and ran straight into me.
If they're going to have a child, atleast fucking control it when it's in a public place. (Easier said than done, I know, but atleast try to make an effort).
Rant over.

Hopefully going to start updating this abit more often. I feel i've been neglecting this recently. I'm disappointed in myself..

I remember one of my original posts on here, with a picture of a man who had used cats to replace his missing facial hair. Here is another man using a cat to be his facial hair. Making links with the past, I should be a time lord...

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