Sunday 7 August 2011

Angry Motorist...

I've never really been one for road rage, but recently there have been some things that are really beginning to piss me off.

As some of you may know, I ride a motorbike. In itself, this is pretty sweet, and the miles per gallon is amazing, making it nice and cheap.
However, as a motorcyclist, i'm supposed to stay to the right/middle of the lane, so as to let other road users to get around me if they wish. Most of the time I am able to do this, and life as an easy rider is fantastic.

Unfortunately, there  issomething about the roads in Worcestershire that make this increasingly impossible for me...
I understand the fact that sometimes roads must be dug up, to gain access to water or gas pipes. I also understand that the road must be re-layed after this work is done, so as to make it safe to drive on. However, what I don't understand is why they cant re-surface the whole fucking road, rather than just one single fucking strip, right where i'm supposed to fucking ride.
Not sure how many of you know this, but riding a motorbike on one specific thin patch of road is surprisingly difficult, and having to keep riding over the seam of this road can really put you off balance.

I wouldn't mind if this was just on the odd road, but this is pretty much everywhere I ride.
Not only that, but it is on both sides of the road. They may aswell have just resurfaced the entire fucking road, and my motorcyclists lifes about 200% easier.

Cheers tight-arsed Worcestershire County Council.

This is not the only thing to have pissed me off recently, but the growing number of people I like to call "cunts".
I don't enjoy using that word, but I feel it is justified to describe these insane fucking motorists. For example, ones that think it's cool to overtake me just as i'm getting through a set of traffic lights.
I wouldn't have minded if they had waited about another 5 seconds, for me to get through the lights, but no. Mr fucking 1.0 litre Rover Metro had to try and get past me, and nearly cause me to plough strait into a steel pole at 50mph.

Thus ends my motorist rant.

Moving back up to Chester on Tuesday. Should be fun times. Off to become a pro golfer like.
Watch out Tiger Woods...

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