Monday 18 July 2011

18/07/11 - Day 12

I'm finding it difficult to start this blog off. I'm not really sure why, but i've hit a fairly serious writers block, so i'm just going to go for it, and hope that this entry makes some mild amount of sense...

This week has been fairly hectic for me, yet chilled out at the same time. It feels as though i've had no time at all to try and update my blog, but looking back at it, all i've really done is just chill out with different people.
To your surprise, i've spent very little time playing games, and have infact been out playing golf. Living at a golf club, you would expect that i would be doing this quite often, but no. My many years of living at a golf club have infact lead to a distinct hatred towards the game. However, it amazes me how a visit from one person can severely change your outlook on certain things, such as golf, and life in general.
These past few days have given me a renewed outlook on life in general, and things are feeling good for a change.
I am also very much looking forward to moving back to Chester. Whilst i always end up missing either area when i am away from it, i always seem to desire to move around. 
The fact i am finding it difficult to settle down perhaps shows that there are things missing from my life that i am looking for? Only time will tell...

Whilst i sit here and write this blog, i'm in a fairly strange mood. One which is screaming to me that there are more important things in life than money and possessions, and that i should chill the fuck out and enjoy life.
Whilst i agree with what my mind, which is currently being narrated by Obi Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor version), is telling me, i sometimes find it difficult to listen.
I've also just realised that i spend a fair amount of time telling people those exact words, but i still wonder why i sometimes find it so difficult to do what i tell myself and others.
"Each day is a gift..." Anon

Writers block has struck again, so i'm going to wrap it up here for now.
Main points to be taken from this blog:
1) New outlook on life
2) I seem to be looking for something?
3) Each day is a gift...

A fairly moody and philosophical blog, but that is the mood i am in at the moment. Hopefully it will be business as usual in the next blog, probably with an emotionally charged rant about something that has really fucked me off.

Thanks for sticking with me...

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