Sunday 10 July 2011

Reminiscing: Part 1

Todays blog is going to take a slightly different format. Yet again, my days have involved me doing a whole lot of fuck all, and so i thought i would not bore you by trying to spin me lack of activities into a full blown blog.
The other day i received my exam results (passed everything thank god), and i thought it'd be a good idea to reminisce about my first year of University.

So here it is, My first year of University: (part 1)

University has been a rollercoaster ride of unbelievable high's and low's. Much like some extreme metal songs i could list. But on the whole i have enjoyed my time in Chester so far, despite the weather, wasps, shite accommodation, debt and drama. But to be honest, i wouldn't have had it any other way.

When i first moved in to Bache Hall (Accommodation), i was very apprehensive and nervous about this new stage of my life. Whilst i knew i could look after myself, i was still moving away from the place that i had called home for my entire life. This, coupled with the fact that i am a rediculously shy person at the best of times, meant that i hardly spoke to anybody for the first week. 
On the first couple of nights i managed to get some dutch courage into me, which essentially means i got absolutely hammered, and started making friends. 
It wasn't long until my friendship group started to be clearly defined, which is when i realised for the first time that i had got a full set of real and functioning friends. This feeling was fantastic, and meant that for several weeks my nights out were fantastic. 
However, the result was always the same, a pounding hangover, and a fair amount of spent money.
Quickly, i began to remember how much i hate going out, mainly because i'm surrounded by hundreds of drunken fuckers, who can find nothing better to do that comment about my hair, size and/or glasses. Thus, i started to become more of a miserable fucker, and came home early on nights out. 
It also meant that i was sober and awake enough to help the other people home, acting as a sort of search and rescue service to many. 
This service continued right to the last minute, and will probably continue right through my entire time at university...
To be honest, i quite look forward to it. 

Like i mentioned earlier, there was a fair amount of drama over the first year, which was mostly manifested in the first and second terms. Long story short, it resulted in there being a man down. Whilst some of us were at first disappointed by this, we quickly got over it, and things are much better without them.
After this, my search and rescue service was on call 24/7, but we all worked our way through it fairly quickly, and have managed to give me a break for a while.
At one point, there was a weekly drama, that would start on friday, and be resolved on sunday. Standard.
There were many more dramas that occured, but i don't want to go into detail about them, but know this; there was much drama over the first year.

The think the most dramatic changes to me have happened over my first year, both physically and emotionally.
I realise now, after browsing through old pictures, how much i have actually changed. Not only has my appearance changed, with me losing a fair amount of weight, but i also think that i've matured alot. 
I can feel in myself that i have abit of real world experience now, and approach situations differently, compared to when i first came to university.
Before university, i could hardly talk to new people. Conversation and social skills were severely lacking, which stunted my social life.
Now i can talk alot easier to people, and conversation is not as awkward as it was. This has opened a whole new world to me, and it feels great.
I can also find talking to girls much easier. Before i used to be so unbelievably shy, i could hardly sustain a conversation with them. This was mainly due to my shape and size though. And whilst i'm still not where i want o be, physically, it has become alot easier to open up and be more sociable.
This worked for a while, and i got talking to one person that i really liked. I made my feelings quite clear, and things were going great for a change. However, my feelings were quickly crushed by certain events that happened. Don't really want to say much more on this.

I think this may be enough for you all to take in at once. I shall continue this story in a later post.

Coming next time:
Quitting drinking
Tales of drunken nights out
Bache Hall
Top 10 best moments of my year.

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