Friday 22 July 2011

23/07/11 - Day 14

I've decided to take a break from cleaning up the house abit to write todays blog. I say tidying the house, i mean moving all my shit from various rooms to make the house look reasonably presentable. I'm yet to do any actual cleaning.
Whilst doing this, i've also been sorting all my stuff out, and boxing up some of the stuff that i'm going to take with me back to Chester. It's suddenly hit me that i'm moving back to Chester in little over a week. 10 days to be exact. My time at home, which i had been wanting for so long, has gone by so quickly, and it feels as though i've done literally nothing with it.
I've caught up with a few of my friends, but this hasn't nearly been enough. I have only seen some of them briefly a couple of times, definately not enough to have properly caught up. I appreciate the time i've had to see them though. 
I've begun to realise the importance of home, and hopefully, money allowing, i'll make a few more visits home next year. 
Family and friends are definately more important to me than i first realised.
Maybe sometime they'll find their way up to Chester to visit. I would like that very much...

The past few days have left my sleep pattern severely disturbed. I have been going to sleep at around 3am, and then waking up at mid day. Not the best sleep pattern to have if i want to be even mildly productive.
Hopefully if all goes to plan, i should be able to reset it tomorrow, and all will be well again.
Today has been my most lazy day of the year yet. I woke up at 12:30pm, then sat in bed and watched back to back episodes of American Dad on my conveniently placed monitor at the end of my bed. Hunger finally drove me out of bed at about 4pm. Fucking quality day.

My recent blogs have been lacking a rant of some sort, but i think today is the day that i let loose and express my anger.
Todays rant is not of a particular event, or person, but of a collection of events and people.
My rant today is about the areas in which i live (Kidderminster, Bewdley, Stourport etc.)

The area in which i actually reside (Habberley) is generally a nice area. In the countryside, lots of green, trees and hills. Fantastic. However, it is abit secluded and "out of the way", which made having friends whilst i was growing up a fairly difficult concept. I always wanted to go out into town, whether this be Kidderminster or Bewdley, and be with friends, or just generally get away from Habberley in general.
At the time, when i did get to go into town, and get away from this place, i thought it was brilliant. Kidderminster/Bewdley were amazing places to go.
However, as i have aged, and seen more places in the country/world, i've come to realise what an actual shit hole Kidderminster (AKA Shitterminster, or Kiddie-fiddler) actually is, and how boring Bewdley is.

I will begin with Kidderminster:
I say i'll begin, but where the fuck do i start? Kidderminster can only be described with one word: Shit. The town centre has all but shut down. The only business that appears to be thriving there is McDonalds and Poundland. That should more than enough describe how shit the place is.
The people aren't much better. Most are uneducated scum, whose collective IQ probably wouldn't even reach 100.
The local cinema is a small converted carpet factory, located next door to one of Kidderminsters 3 shitty night clubs. If you go in to watch a late showing of a film, you'll probably be able to hear the shitty pounding bass from next door.
I could link you to pictures of one of the nightclubs, but i think my words alone are enough to explain how shit they really are.
One phrase comes to mind - "Not enough room to swing a cat". Not that you'd be able to swing the cat, as your feet a securely stuck to the ground by a 2 inch layer of several week old spilled drinks. It amazes me that any dancing actually goes on in there, rather than some awkward shuffling.
As for parks and recreation, hardly any left that you can actually go to without some 15 year old pregnant mother calling you a paedophile, or getting started on by a gang of 16 year olds who go to the park to drink a bottle of vodka and get some silly fucker to go buy them cigarettes.
There are a few nice things about Kidderminster, a few nice shops and secluded areas that are apparently safe enough to walk around at night, however they are truly rare.
I don't think words can describe how much i hate the rest of Kidderminster though.

Bewdley in itself is a nice town. Nice views, nice shops and a relatively friendly population, until it goes dark.
I went out the other night to a couple of pubs, and instantly remembered how shit it was to go out in Bewdley.
When i first started going out, Bewdley was epic, mainly because it was so new, and i could finally go out, and i was mostly always smashed. And whilst it does still sometimes have it's good moments, especially when the right people assemble, on the whole, Bewdley is shit as a night out.
In most pubs it's absolutely rammed and takes atleast 30 mins to get served at the bar. Even then it's hard to actually get served, as the bar staff have a hard time finding out what you want because it's so fucking loud. Trying to hold a conversation is near impossible, and ends up with you going home with a sore throat due to prolonged shouting.
It is also likely that, if you're someone like me who doesn't "fit in with the norm", you're going to have some sort of abusive comments thrown your way, or have people trying to start shit with you in the street. And whilst i am fairly used to it, it does get quite boring after a while.
In summary, Bewdley during the day: Fantastic. Bewdley at night: Fucking nightmare...

That pretty much concludes my epic rant that has been brewing for several days, and i hope that for the people that don't live in this area and have just read it, that it gives you a useful insight into the area in which i live, and possibly a warning to stay away.

Hopefully, my next blog won't be such a big rant, and may be "business as usual". If i'm feeling really adventurous, i might change up the format abit. Who knows...

Today i leave you with this useful guide:

You'll thank me for this one day. It might actually be useful...


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