Monday 11 July 2011

Reminiscing: Part 2

So here it is, the concluding part to my recap of my first year of University.

I will start with my memories of Bache Hall:
My first thoughts of Bache Hall were fairly positive, as it was, so to speak, a place of my own. A place where i wasn't limited by transport availability, and somewhere i could be independant, and make my own decisions in life. However, this feeling of happiness with my new found dwelling was short lived, once i discovered the many negative factors of living there. For example;
1) Unrelentless heat
2) Wasp infestation
3) Uneven floor
4) Strobe light toilet
The heat of the building is comparable to that of the middle of the sun. It was so rediculously hot that i spent most of winter walking around in shorts and a wifebeater.
And as many of you who have seen and/or commented on my many wasp related facebook status', you will already know the sheer amount of annoyance the wasp infestation caused. The fact that the university then refused to do anything about the problem only caused me more anger, and led to me taking the fight into my own hands. Armed with my trusty National Geographic, and my dust pan, i managed to defeat the oncoming wasp invasion.
Something that will come up later on in one of my stories, the floor of the upstairs corridor was perilously uneven, and has led to some accidents. This quickly became an annoyance, as you actually had to be really careful whilst stumbling back to your room while you are drunk. Also, there was a massive fuck off step half way down the corridor, another pointless obsticle making the trip back to your room a difficult one.
During the second term, the light in the bathroom/toilet stopped working properly, and when turned on, would flash with the speed and timing of a strobe light. It could have snuffed out any latent epileptics that were living there, and made it very difficult to use the facilites at night without getting blinded by a bright light every two seconds. 
To be honest though, i wouldn't have had it any other way...

I also promised to talk about some of the more memorable nights out that i've enjoyed:
1) Strip Club - A night where a group of 10 of us (mostly the girls and their boyfriends) went to the local strip club. This was a strange night, which resulted in a complete nature role reversal, in which most of the girls went and got private dances from the strippers, and the blokes just stood back and let them do it. Very strange, and to this day, i will not understand why it happened like that.
2) Stopping in night number 1 - This was in the second week of being at uni, and we all decided to stay in and have a few drinks. Unfortunately, a my definition of "a few drinks" seemed to be different to everybody elses, and resulted in me being horrendously drunk. It was at this point i decided it would be a fantastic idea to run down the corridor to my room to get more alcohol, and fell foul of the uneven floor. I ended up falling down, taking the skin off the top of my foot, and smashing my head into Liam's door. On my return downstairs i was told to pour neat vodka into my open wound, which at the time seemed like a fantastic idea, and i proceeded to do so, which resulted in some seering pain, and a horrible infection in my foot, in which i could not feel my toes for approximately 3 days.
3) Sick in my mouth night - This was another night that we decided to stay in and have a few drinks. This night i decided i'd take on a 24 pack of Stella Artois by myself. In my defence, i did take down atleast 15-18 of the cans (I forget the exact number), but resulted in me passing out in my bed, and vomiting in my sleep. Luckily, my good pal Liam was there to catch my projectile vomit in his hands, and then pick out the rest of the sick from my mouth before i choked on it. It was at this point he thought i was having a heart attack, and went to get help. My everlasting memory of this night was lying in bed, surrounded by a gang of people being asked if anybody in my family had a heart condition, to which my reply was "Nah, i'm fine...". I woke up without a hangover, feeling fantastic and with a strange disliking for Stella Artois...
4) Martin terrorises nature - This night on the whole was pretty shit for, as all in one night my emotions and self confidence got crushed by one person. However, it picked up later on when Martin tried to navigate his way home from the SU. At the time i found it quite annoying, but i managed to find him stumbling down Liverpool Rd. and walked him home. On the way home, Martin decided it'd be a fantastic idea to bite a tree. He then proceeded to kick a different tree, and then destroy a thistle plant. Once i got him back to Bache Hall, we found a hedgehog running across the lawn, and Martin decided to terrorise the poor animal, by throwing sticks and leaves at it, and then scaring it by shouting at it. This on the whole made me chuckle, and i gained a quid from it, as Martin thought it appropriate to distribute his money across the floor...

There are so many other nights i could talk about, however i think those are best left for a different blog.

Now for my Top 10 best moments of my first year. There are in no particular order, and are listed as i thought of them...
1) Meeting loads of new people, and having some awesome nights out
2) Running the Half Marathon
3) Going to A&E with Liam at 5:30am to get his fucked up ear sorted.
4) Martin attacking nature
5) Slapton Fieldtrip
6) Sitting out in the corridor for hours chilling with everyone
7) Night time walks with Martin to nowhere
8) Karate training in the common room
9) Spending a week on the field drinking in the sun
10) Making some friends for life, and making plans for the future with them

Well there it is, a very brief rundown of my first year of University. 
I'm already looking forward to the second...


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