Sunday 3 July 2011

03/07/11 - Day 10

Let myself slip with the blog writing recently. I blame work making me tired all the time, or perhaps the fact that my sleep pattern is severely fucked. I should probably try and sort that out.

As mentioned before, these past few days i have been working. On the face of things, this sounds like a pretty shit way to spend your summer, but on the other hand, the money is fantastic. I can now actually afford to put petrol in the motorbike, and actually consider buying things from the steam summer sale.
Apart from this, i have again been wasting my time with aimless facebook browsing and playing games. I should really start thinking about implementing my summer plans soon, or i fear that by the time i return to University, my brain will have been replaced with some sort of fleshy mush which is hell bent on heatshotting fools with a sniper rifle, or slaying zombies with chainsaws and lawnmowers. I don't think that'll be too useful when studying Geography. Unless ofcourse we're looking at the geography of an area, and how good it would be to assassinate someone, or the best places to survive during a zombie apocalypse.
I like to think of myself as having a "Dual core brain", with one core concentrating on University work, or academic stuff in general,  and the other core concentrating on everything else, including survival, other peoples wellbeing and socialising. I feel that at this moment both cores are occupied with games, making me a very brain efficient killing machine. 

One thing that has recently been getting to me is people who are so drunk, or old, or a combination of the two to remember anything, and end up asking rediculous questions.
Whilst i cannot blame the people for being too old, infact i congratulate them for surviving the cholera outbreaks of the 1800's, but i do feel that some of them should be kept out of society for mine and their own safety (I'm a very brain efficient killing machine now..)
Take example 1: I was outside cleaning my motorbike, polishing the chrome and cleaning the dirt from around the engine, making it look pretty epic in general. Up plods this old bloke who has known that i have owned a motorbike for over a year, has known i have been back from university for over a week (because i have served him food and drink several times), and knows what i am doing at university, because i have told him atleast 5 times.
He comes over to me and says, 
"Oh hello Thomas, I didn't know you were back from university"
"Oh, is this your motorbike, i don't think i've ever seen it before"
"What is it you're doing at university?"
While i smile and answer his questions, my internal monologue goes something like this:
"What the fuck mate, i served you food and drink on thursday night. Are you blind or something?"
"Seriously? I've owned this bike for over a year now. You even saw it after the fucking accident! And you've seen me riding it around before. You're really starting to worry me now."
"Ok pal, now you're taking the piss. Pin your fucking ears back this time, and listen to me good. I'm doing GEOGRAPHY. Is that a plain enough answer for you? Or has that gone in one ear and straight out the fucking other? Why am i kidding myself here? You're obviously going to come and ask me the same questions next week. Just fuck off please."
To be fair, this person is a nice enough bloke, and has helped me out alot in the past. He's also very generous, and tips like an absolute god, but i seriously think he should be kept at home for his own safety. I'm surprised he remembers where he lives. I imagine sometimes he just drives around, cant remember where his house is and then spends the night in backseat of his car in a lay-by somewhere until he remembers.
A little bit harsh i know, but it really gets to me.
What's even worse is when you have to go through this process with your own relatives...

This photo reflects how much of a hero Samuel L. Jackson is. Aside from being a serial badass, se still finds time to narrate an audio book (For all those who haven't listen, go to youtube immediately and search for "Go the fuck to sleep"), and play guess who with small ginger child. 
And yes Samuel, he does look like a bitch.

Peace x

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