Monday 13 June 2011

13/06/2011 - Day 1

It is my plan to try and make daily blogs, just as a way to vent whatever feelings have built up, and share my thoughts for the day.
Whether i stick to that plan is yet to be seen, but i shall try my best.

My day today has been abit of a rollercoaster of emotions. Not a particuarly exciting one, but a rollercoaster none the less. Think of one of the slightly more boring/shitter pre made rollercoasters on Rollercoaster Tycoon. That was my day...

It began by accompanying Liam into town whilst he did his stuff to sort out his job at Disney. Marting tagged along too. This was all fairly simple shit to do; get a passport photo done etc.
Ended up in Starbucks. I enjoyed being in Starbucks today. I didn't feel guilty about being there for a change, since I had nothing better to be doing. It felt good to mingle with the working population of Chester. Plus sitting there with Liam's iPad made me feel important.
Another bonus occured when a pretty fit girl came and sat opposite us. I'd giver a solid 9/10. However, the person who i assume she was with looked like he descended from the ranks of the SS, whose relatives probably assisted in the holocaust. (Note to self, do not say this out in public. You get strange looks...)
From here, Martin and I headed over to Game, in a vain attempt to aquire something to help pass the time until we can go home. We both purchased games, which turned out to fail miserably, due to the uni internet being shit. FUCKERS!
The walk home was an interesting one. I was being a stubborn prick, mainly because of some banter that i let get to me. In hindsight, i acted like a prick, but at the time it felt well justified in my own mind. It worked out well for Martin, he earned himself a free can of coke, due to me being a cunt. Result!
The rest of the day has been spent listening to music, and playing Fallout 3. 
I used Fallout 3 as a way of venting my anger. I mercilessly beat several security guards, the overseer, and the overseers daughter to death with my own bare hands. This was surprisingly satisfying...

Many things have been playing on my mind again recently. Mainly the happenings of the past few weeks, which involved a particular woman. To most this will not make sense, but I feel it is best to keep things anonymous, so as to keep feelings from being hurt, or unneccessary backlash from words written.
It still hurts to think of what happened, but its getting easier to handle. Its playing on my mind less, but i always think about the "What if's?" and "Maybe's?"
In time, things will sort themselves out. I've just got to be patient.
I know the people who truely care will understand what this means.

So there it is. My first actual blog. Its surprising how much better writing all this down can make you feel.
I've just realised that this is really unaesthetically pleasing. Maybe as i get into the swing of writing these, i may be able to jazz them up abit with some interesting themes, pictures and formatting. Who knows...
I leave you with this picture, which has made me realise what must take place in my life to make a real positive change.

Peace x

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