Tuesday 14 June 2011

14/06/11 - Day 2

Today has been a strange day. It's been good on the whole, but i've felt like shit all day.
I think the late nights and illness have finally caught up with me, as i found it difficult to get up until about 1:30pm. Even then, i found it very difficult to function properly. Did not bode well considering i was going out into town to hand out CV's.

Apart from feeling shitty all day, I feel i have been quite productive. I have made a genuine effort to get a job, and am feeling positive about it. Hopefully somebody will get back to me about my applications, rather than just leave me hanging.
That is one thing that i really cannot abide. People that don't bother getting back to you about a job application. All it takes is a simple email message, or a letter, just to explain that you haven't been accepted. But no, the result is always the same, absolutely nothing. Personally, i think that is quite rude.

I've been feeling quite positive about life today, which is a fairly unusal thing for me. This summer, i'm going to take some time off, to concentrate on me for a change. I'm going to get myself into a better frame of mind, so i can hopefully be abit happier when i return to Chester.
Hopefully by then, i may have found a nice girl to spend some time with aswell. I can but hope...

Going for a walk later on. Theres something about walking that helps to clear your mind. And if someone comes with you, you can talk about stuff, and get it off your chest. Result.

Something that has really been getting to me recently is the people that shout stuff at you from their cars. I know i've done a fair bit of this in my time, but i've never said anything to intentionally hurt someone. 
It just annoys me how people can be so shallow to shout something at you from a moving car.
If they want to call me a "fat fuck", then fair enough. That is their opinion. However, i'd appreciate it if they'd say it to my face. That way, i can give them my opinion of them, and maybe a quick jab to the throat depending on how the discussion goes.
I can only hope one day, the stupid cunts shout something at me from their window as they drive past, and are then forced to stop at traffic lights, or a junction. This will please me greatly, as atleast then i'll be able to find out what the fuck they want, and perhaps speak my mind to them. 
I pity the first person this happens to, as they've got about 5 years of shit coming their way...
Also, comments about my hair/glasses. I've heard them all before, and i just wish if they are going to say something, they atleast think of something better than "Oi oi, Harry Potter" or "Get yer hair cut". Atleast then, i can have a laugh at it too.

Today i think i'm going to leave you with a link to my favourite song at the moment, by my favourite artist at the moment, John Mayer. 
It makes me think of the summer, riding on my motorbike, chilling with good friends and being happy. 
Its such a good tune, and i think you should definately check it out: 

I'll also leave you with this picture:

It's what i want to say to some people alot of the time...

Love and all that x

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