Sunday 19 June 2011

19/06/11 - Day 5

This may be a farily short blog, as i have very little to talk about. However, if i find something particuarly compelling to complain about, i could string this out for a decent length. We will have to wait and see. 
Moving on...

These past few days have mostly been spent in solitary confinement, spending long periods of time not talking to or socialising with other people. I know how Steve McQueen felt in The Great Escape, spending all that time in the cooler. (If you've not seen the Great Escape, you should stop what you are doing, and watch it immediately. Fantastic film...) The only problem with that film is that it is typically American. The American hero almost makes it to freedom in a spectacular motorbike chase through fields, whilst the British escape on trains and bicycles. Also, when the American guy gets captured, he just gets put back in prison, whilst us British get rounded up and shot. Not particularly fair, but if it helps to sell, then fair enough.

My days have consisted of watching Doctor Who (again, some of you may find this stupid, but again I refer to the fact that this is my blog, and you can fuck off), and Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares. 
In the episodes that i watched, Gordon Ramsay became a true British hero. In the first episode, he made an entire family cry. Not just cry a few tears, i mean full on weep, to the point at which they were contemplating suicide. In the other episode, he collected all the furniture and pieces of memorabillia that a couple had collected and put in their restaurant, then took it outside and set it on fire whilst the restaurant owners watched. 
Gordan Ramsay, sticking one to the Americans, and getting paid to do so. Hero...

My mind turns again to the summer, and what i am going to do for the two weeks whilst my parents are on holiday. Apart from working some evenings, I am going to have alot of free time. This i imagine will mostly be taken up by a busy schedule of playing games, playing guitar and exercise. However, i believe that there will be a point at which this routine will become boring, and i will return to the point that i am at now; watching catch up tv online in a desperate attempt to appease my boredom. There is only so much catch up tv one person can watch...
My mind also turns to thoughts about my tattoo that i want to get. Whilst i have a vague idea of what i want, it's not a substantial enough idea to walk into a tattoo shop and get it done. 
I know that i want the last verse of the poem "Invictus", but i want that integrated into a design of some sort, perhaps taking the whole inside of my upper arm, or maybe even the half sleeve. The only problem is, i have no idea what sort of design i can integrate it with, and makes me believe that perhaps the tattoo my take longer than i was first expecting to come to fruition. I am definately getting it before i leave university though.
Whilst i have quit drinking and the like, i still need to do something radical to justify my time here, and chronicle the memories that i have gained.

Looking back on this entry, i've not really complained about anything, mainly because i haven't got anything to complain about. This has been more of an insight into my current frame of mind. Perhaps i will have things to complain about by the next entry. I like complaining. Theres something about it that makes you feel alot better.
The other day, i nearly got my chance to shout at a person in a car. Unfortunately, the cruel hand of fate meant that the lights changed before i could reach him. I think that if God exists, he secretly hates me.

I leave you today with this picture:

This picture reminds me of when Martin decided to bite a tree on the way home from the S.U one night, in a defiant act of hatred toward nature. He then went on to terrorise a small, defenceless animal. 
Martin Howe, sticking it to mother nature, and having a bitching time. Hero...

Peace x 

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