Monday 27 June 2011

27/06/11 - Day 8

While i write this entry, let it be known that i am having to peel myself off my seat. The heat in this room is immense. I just want you to know what sort of conditions i am enduring to fill you in with my days. I hope that when this finds you, you are not in a similar sort of heat to me.

I might mix up the format today. I might make a rant sandwich. Rant - Daily happenings - Rant.
This will be interesting...

Thanks to the non monitored internet, i have been able to partake in some online gaming. I have missed this very much, and found getting back into slaying some sorry motherfuckers on CoD has been quite easy. However, there is something about the online gaming community that really does not sit well with me.
Firstly, the people that feel it necessary to shout stuff down their microphones. Most of the time, you cannot even make out what the people are saying, it just comes out as a garbled sentance of pounding bass and background noise.
I find myself before most matches going down the lobby list, muting everybody. After a while, this becomes quite a tedious task.
Whilst i myself might seem abit hypocritic, as i use a microphone, this is usually to talk on skype to other people in my party, or to give constructive help/orders, rather than to just deafen everybody else playing the game.
Secondly, as many of the people reading this will know, camping (staying in one place for a long time, picking off people without them being able to get a shot at you) is quite a common occurance. Most people know the best places to go, and many people exploit them. Even i camp occasionally. It is a simple tactic that everybody utilises. I have no problems with people camping. I see it as people playing the game, and at the end of the day, we are all out to have some fun.
What does piss me off is the people that complain about people camping. Whilst i can understand that people camping can be quite annoying, i find it even more annoying when the people complaining about it the go and do it. They usually shout about it down the microphone. Fuckers...
I also hate the way that people who don't do very well, or use weapons (such as a grenade launcher, or a shotgun) are called "noobs". At the end of the day, we are all playing to have some fun, and these people are using those weapons and having fun. 
1. Stop complaining. You sound like a whiney bitch
2. Everybody has to start somewhere. You too were a noob once.
Rant number 1 over. Moving on...

My days have continued to mainly consist of catching up on some long overdue gaming, and exercising. 
There is something strangely satisfying about the exercise, maybe it is because i am now able to start seeing visible changes in my appearance. Or the fact that the amount of people coming up to me and telling me that i've lost weight. I think it's giving me abit of a confidence boost, and the motivation to carry on with what i'm doing. 
The past couple of days have seen my thoughts again turning to the tattoo that i want to get. I still have no exact design for it yet, but all i know is that i definately want it doing soon. When i say soon, i mean within the next couple of years, and definately before i leave university.
Just to give a vague idea of what i want, i would like a design that incorporates this piece of text: 
"It matters not how strait the gate,
  How charged with punishments the scroll,
 I am the master of my fate:
 I am the captain of my soul."
If there are any artists with any ideas of designs i could use with this, don't hesitate to get in touch... 

As you can probably tell from the first sentances of the post, i am not particuarly enjoying the weather at the moment.
Whilst i have nothing against sunshine and warm weather, i do have something against overcast and humid warm weather, which usually comes without a breeze.
From studying weather and climate, i know why this happens, but either way, i really fucking hate everything about it. The only part of it i enjoy is the massive fuck off thunderstorm you get at the end of it. Unless it knocks out the power or internet, then i fucking hate them too.
Everything about the current weather makes me fucking miserable. There is no way anybody can look good when they're sweating their tits off, being clammy and looking like a general greasy mess.
 I think i know why people in mediterranean countries have their little break in the middle of the day. Mainly because its too fucking hot to do anything, especially serve overpriced soft drinks to unsuspecting tourists. Theiving bastards...

My picture today takes a surprisingly politcal swing, which is unusual for me. Whilst eating tea, i was listening to a news report about how the Tories are essentially shafting this country straight up the ass. It made me think that our generation are soon going to be living in broken Britain, with no hope of rescue.

I thought i'd also slip this in here, because i like meerkats

Today's has been quite a long one, but i once again thank you for sticking around to read my humble thoughts,
Peace x 

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