Friday 17 June 2011

17/06/11 - Day 4 (technically)

I'm gonna skip the boring introduction today, as i'm having a sevre mental block (possibly due to hunger, but only time will tell if this is true.) I power on...

As i sit here writing this blog, it is raining outside, I'm listening to some epic tunes (from my epic tunes playlist), and i'm finally starting to feel sad about leaving Chester. 
I think most of the best days of my life so far have been spent here, and i think they are mainly due to the fantastic people that i have met, and essentially "grown up" with.
It is strange to think that the people that i've lived with for the past 10 months are all going home, and i return to home, where i can only call a hand full of people my friends.
Whilst occasionally, we piss eachother off, and the banter "goes abit far" or "is abit cruel", it's nice to know that i've got people that have got my back, no matter what. And i think (and hope) they know that i've got their back 'till the end too.
If i'm feeling like this now, fuck knows what i'm going to be like when we finish our degree's, and all follow our own paths in life. Though i already know that we'll stay in contact, it's not going to be the same.
Fuck me i'm getting deep here...

To brighten things up, I shall once again tell you of my days.
Today, Martin, Liam and myself went for a farewell meal at the Sizzler. It isn't until you are rediculously hungry that you realise how far away that fucking place is. 
When we arrived, finding a table was easy, however, the service was poor. Disappointingly poor. The people behind the counter were off their fucking tits, and the people serving in the restaurant seemed more miserable than me, which is a fucking acheivement. Well done them...
The lack of enthusiasm which she showed whilst serving food was fantastic. God like if you will. She genuinely seemed like she hated her job, and dreamt of a day when she could earn enough money to buy a gun, put it in her mouth, pull the trigger and make the world a better place.
After this, Martin and myself went to the cinema to watch "Bad Teacher". The film was fantastic. Cameron Diaz still has a rockin' body...
And now i'm sat here writing this blog, whilst Martin starts packing his things for the journey home tomorrow.
Sad times...

For the first time in my life, i have actually bothered putting money on the lottery tonight.  
It was mainly Martin's idea, as he was feeling strangely lucky the other day, and so we decided to put some money on, and see what happened. Martin's luck has been astounding, and his winning streak on the scratch cards is something to be proud of. His low level gambling addiction paid for us to go to the cinema today. Swings and roundabouts...
The jackpot for the EuroMillions tonight is around £80million. Whilist i know that i probably wont win anything, i've spent the last few days dreaming of what i would be able to do with the money if i won. Long story short, alot of cool shit would be purchased, and about half of it would be given out to friends and family. And whilst i know that i probably wont win, there's still a glimmer of hope in me, that just keeps my spirits alive, in vain hope that i do actually win.
If i do win, i might continue to write these, or i may just pay for some fucker to write them for me. I'll have to see how i feel...
I'm a strong believer in Karma, and everything happening for a reason. Hopefully, all the bad luck that i've been having recently will be balanced out by a big serving of good luck tonight. Thats what i hope anyway.

I leave today by posting this picture.

My Mates. Bache Boys 2011

Much love x 

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