Thursday 23 June 2011

23/06/11 - Day 6

I apologise for my lack of blogging, but i have a fairly legitimate excuse. On Tuesday i travelled home from Chester, and yesterday, my computer was in bits, as i harvested all useful components, ready to build my new epic computer. More of my days happenings to come...

Tuesday was essentially D-Day for me, minus the early morning beach landings under extreme gunfire. The previous couple of weeks had been endured all for that one day, the day that i could return home. And needless to say, home did not disappoint. A freshly made bed, an indian takeaway and the extended family awaited me. Whilst i wasn't so thrilled about seeing the extended family, the bed and the indian pleased me greatly. 
When i say extended family, i mean my aunt and uncle who fucked off to Australia. They've only been gone for two years, and already my Stourport raised Aunt has picked up the annoying accent and mannerisms of the bloody aussies. I also picked up on alot of racist remarks that they dropped in, that the rest of my family seemed to not pick up on. Apparently, they dislike the Taiwanese as much as we don't like "the paki's". On their way back to Australia, they're stopping off for a week in Taiwan. Oh the irony...
On the upside, they decided to give me some money, because they "don't see me that often". I suppose it is hard to see me often when they've pissed off to the other side of the world. I received a £25 amazon voucher, two free tickets to some theme parks and a £40 wine voucher. Too bad i don't drink... 

Yesterday i was straight into work, and sorting out my bedroom to fit the new beasty computer. Work was fairly uneventful, and entailed me forcing a smile whilst i repeat the same story of how university is going, and what i'm doing for the summer to several different people. However, it did give me enough money to give to my brother for his birthday. Result...
After that, i set to about canabalising my computer and taking out any spare parts that i needed for my new computer. I'm not going to bore you with the details of what i took out, and how i did it, but just know that there isnt much left in the old case...
I've also had a mass sort out in my room, which resulted in a large box of crap for the charity shops, a few things to the tip and about 3 bin bags full of clothes to the charity clothes bins. However, this still did not free up enough room to unpack all my things. Alot of it is going round to my nans house once the lodgers have fucked off back to Australia...

Today has consisted of building my new computer. (Going to skip over the boring tale of this, as it will probably not interest you, but know that it was difficult as ever...)
Then straight home to work, where i again had to force a smile and tell people of my time at university. I tend to skip over the slightlier messier stories that i could tell, and opt for the slighter better tales of me being a good student...
On the upside, work did provide me with a massive plate of gammon and chips, free of charge. Can't complain at that. Though i do still crave for a big dirty pizza...
Now i sit and explore what my new found computer power has to offer, while waiting for every game to download again. This is going to be a long and tedious process, as it seems the fastest my internet can get is 50kbps, which for all you non-tecchies, is really fucking slow.

I do have one major thing which has pissed me off though. This being when people in shops ask you "Do you want a bag?"
No, i thought i was going to use my fucking psychic powers to levitate this shopping back to my fucking car, you weasly little prick. Of course i want a fucking bag. And no, i don't want to pay an extra 5p to have one. I'm pretty sure if it came down to a fight, i would crush you like a walnut, so stop pissing about, and give me the fucking bag.

Rant over, i move onto todays picture.

The answer is yes, yes i have been so pissed off that i want to start swinging a cactus. Or the object that is closest to me. For example, in maplins, when the cashier asked me if i want a bag, the closest thing was a hammer. Imagine the damage that could be done with that. I could see the fear in his eyes...

The next post will include a picture of my new beast, for you all to gander upon. 
I congratulate any of you that have stuck with my blog long enough. Sometimes, i bore myself whilst writing these bad boys, so i can only imagine what they do to you.

Until next time... 

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