Saturday 25 June 2011

25/06/11 - Day 7

Todays blog is going to be more of a chance to upload some pictures that may be of interest to people. I will also inform you of my days, but first i'll share the pictures.

Firstly, i'm going to deliver the pictures of my new computer that i promised to put up. Excuse the poor quality, my phone doesn't have a fantastic camera...

And from a different angle...

As you can see, quite a beast...
More pictures of this to come when i've fitted the new cathodes, after my old ones broke. When i am finished, it will shine so brightly, that small insects will perish in it's infinite glow...

Next i am uploading pictures that i took on my last day at Bache Hall. I decided to leave our mark, for the future generations of Bache Hall to view.

And a close up...

I know a few people who will appreciate this... 

Now i move onto my usual blog format, and shall fill you in with the happenings of my day.

My days thus far have been filled with some serious gaming action. Again, i choose not to bore you with the details of what i have been doing, but let it be known that many zombies have been slain.
Mostly, it has been a chance to play the games that i was unable to play back at university, and the wait has not disappointed. The games have so far been spectacular.
Apart from this, i have been sorting my things out, and moving them around, in a vain attempt to create some more room for me to live in. 
I have even moved stuff out of the house, and round to my nans. Half of my shit is now occupying my nans spare room, yet the amount of living room for me has not changed. I must be trapped in some sort of paradox.
Also, tonight i went to watch X-Men First Class. A smashing film it was, with many rather stunning women in it. Though i noticed the person that plays Raven/Mistique, her real name is January. Who the fuck names their child after the name of a month? I'd hate be named after a month. Imagine being called "November", or "August". This doesn't sit well with me... 

It as this point that i would normally include a large section of ranting about things that have pissed me off, but currently, i do not have anything to report. I will leave it until the next blog to unrelentlessly rant about something, which will hopefully make you laugh a little.

I leave you today with one final picture.

This picture amuses me greatly, as anything that is mildly Harry Potter related makes me chuckle. Also, the faces fi the dialogue perfectly. 

More coming soon... x 

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