Wednesday 15 June 2011

15/06/11 - Day 3

My original plan was to try and write a blog here everyday. However, after two days, i'm finiding it difficult to think of things to write about, apart from telling you what happened in my day. Recently, my days have mostly consisted of endless hours of boredom, and plots to kill people i do not like.
I imaine reading about my days could get fairly boring. However, reading about my plots to kill people could be quite interesting, as many of them are fairly complex and inticate. On the other hand if shit goes down, and people die, i could end up on a suspected murder charge. Not cool. I might keep them in my head.
As a result, i'm thinking i may make my entires bi-daily, or maybe even weekly, so as to let the rage build up inside me, and hopefully makes my humble words be more interesting for you to read...

Today has been a fairly uneventful, and consisted mainly of cruising facebook, and trying to watch episodes of Doctor Who online (Laugh if you wish, but i enjoy it, and this is my blog. If you don't like it, you can fuck off.). After searching for several links, i found that watching tv online isn't what it used to be, as most websites only let you watch 72 mins of video. This makes watching several episodes at a time fairly difficult, as each episode is about 60 mins long, meaning i get to watch 12 mins of the next video, then have to wait an hour to see the rest. Piss take.
It also doesn't help that housemates that share the same i.p address watch stuff online too, meaning that often, after 2 mins of video, it tells me i've reached my 72 minute limit. Its the lies i can't stand...

Earlier, Martin and myself went to the S.U to collect money from the gormless fuck that owes Liam a holiday. This presented vital socialising opportunities with the fit barmaid, which raised my mood a little. Everyones a winner.
It also made Martins low level gambling addiction come to the surface, as i watched him sink atleast £8 in the quiz machine. Admitidly, some of the times we lost it was my fault, but it was his fault for trusting me, and his fault he continued to put money in. 

My thoughts recently have been concentrating on home, and what i'm going to do when i finally get back there. It is the one place i currently want to be right now, but the one place i cannot actually get to. As much as i love Chester, and the people i've met here, i think it is mainly the people that make this place what it is. As these people are slowly going their seperate ways, this place loses it's magic, and i think about going home.
I get this feeling the summer is going to be a long and lonely one, as most of my friends from home have moved on, and the friends i've made here are going back to their homes. Skype will become my new common room...

I leave you today with a picture of this man. He is a living god, and has acquired these cats to fill in his missing hair and facial hair...

I can only dream of a day when i'll be so epic that i can attract cats to fill in my missing hair. Or maybe i could train them to kill the people i don't like. One day...

Inabiz x

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