Thursday 24 November 2011

Moving around

Looking for a new house to live in is becoming abit of a ballache. Probably should have started looking around abit earlier.
It seems that whenever we set up a viewing, the house always gets taken before we can even look. Not cool.

Apart from moving house, i've also found that I enjoy walking alot more now. Nothing better than getting wrapped up nice and warm, plugging in the iPod, and going for a random walk to nowhere. Very good for cleansing the soul.
Might start doing this abit more often, help me find some inner peace?

Wouldn't mind doing some camping either. Getting a tent, some supplies and stuff in a backpack, and just going walking for abit. When I get tired, pitch the tent, then get up and move on the next day. Definately would enjoy a week doing that. A summer plan perhaps? Might have to go Bear Grylls all up in that shit

Assignments are creeping up again. Should probably make a start on them soon. Lacking motivation again. Just got to think of the positives at the end of the tunnel to get me through. Hopefully a good couple of nights coming up, lots of opportunities to make new friends and have a good time!

Thought I might leave you some pictures for some extra lols. Enjoy!

Sunday 20 November 2011

Needed this weekend

No matter how many times I say i'm going to get back into my regular blogging, it always escapes me.
Not going to promise to do it this time, however, I will try and get back into updating here abit more often.

Had a nice chilled out weekend, just sleeping, relaxing and playing Saints Row 3 (amazing game). Needed some time to get over the past couple of weeks.
Thought I was going to lose it on Thursday, everything got on top of me, nearly sent me right over the edge.
Overall, a pretty crappy week, but life goes on.

Been parading around in my Gi quite abit, doing some stretching, and practicing some moves. I love wearing it, makes me feel good. Can't wait to get some colour on there though! Roll on the new year.

I've also realised how much stuff I want to buy, if only I had the money...
If some kind hearted billionaire who fancies donating a million to my cause is reading this, feel free to leave me a comment.

My hospital appointment is drawing ever closer, and the apprehension and nerves are starting to build. I just want to hear the verdict, and find out how fucked I am, so I can get on with living with what little remaining use of my eyes I have.

I've also realised I need to man up, and get shit done. Thats what I'm going to do this week, man up and get shit done.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

It's not even funny anymore

Second time i've been fucked over by someone. I fail to see the funny side of it now.

Why can't people just being fucking straight with me, and tell me shit to my face, instead of just ignoring me?

Too much to ask?

Saturday 22 October 2011

A good couple of days

Considering my underlying mood, i've had a good couple of days recently.
Allow me to elaborate:

On Tuesday, my parents came up to visit, which really lifted my mood. They also brought me a fancy bottle of aftershave from duty free. Pretty good day all round.
On Thursday, I managed to get my name down on the enuiry fieldtrip that I wanted to go on, despite the limited number of places. Fantastic news.
Yesterday, I received delivery of my vintage watch that I treated myself to when my student loan came in (Pictures later).
I also took part in Geography Ambassador Training yesterday, and have already started setting up a visit to my old school in Bewdley. It'll be good if I get to go back and see all the old faces. In the process, i'll also aquire an awesome "I LOVE GEOGRAPHY" T-shirt, and if I do enough visits, i'll also get a "I LOVE GEOGRAPHY" hoodie.
Happy days.

I've treated myself again today. Although I currently don't drink, i've bought myself a fancy bottle for when I do decide to start drinking again. (Pictures later..)
Made myself feel really sophisticated when I went through the check out with it. Had a nice chat to the woman about having expensive tastes. That made me laugh a little.
Also, if I decide I still don't want to drink, I can always give it away as a present. It does look pretty swanky!

After some contemplation, i've come to the conclusion that I wish i'd started learning Karate earlier. I've noticed that since i've started, and after losing the weight, that my confidence has grown considerably. I'd currently give anything to go back to when I was younger, knowing what I know now. I think i'd have enjoyed school alot more, made more friends and generally be happier.
Hindsight is a beautiful thing.

Definately considering making a new blog, perhaps with a more appropriate title, one that reflects me more.
Maybe then i'll be more inclined to update it more often.


Monday 17 October 2011

I've become a student!

It's taken me well over 3 years, but I think i've finally cracked it.
I stayed a whole hour after my lecture today to consolodate my notes, to make it easier for me to do my assignment. I'm even doing extra reading, and planning reports! What the fuck has happened to me?

I've coasted my way through life, doing the bare minimum to get by, but something over the past few days has clicked in my head, and i've finally found some motivation to do well, strive for the best and "be all I can be".
Couldn't have come a second too soon really, I actually want to do well now.
Maybe it's something to do with the company I keep now? Or the fact that i've realised now i'm in second year, i've actually got to do some work. Either way, i'm getting a decent nights sleep, writing up lecture notes, planning assignments.
I actually shock myself sometimes.

I've been neglecting updating here recently, mainly because i've had some really dodgy stuff on my mind, keeping me down.
I've recently been given some pretty shocking news, that has fucked with me quite alot. And whilst I keep my game face on well when i'm in public, it's actually tearing me up abit.
Now i've been getting letters from relevant people, and i'm starting to get abit scared.
I don't openly admit to being scared about much, but i'm actually scared now.
The other day, I even contemplated starting drinking again. I was so very tempted to buy a bottle of brandy, but decided that drinking wasn't going to help anything, especially considering the frame of mind i'm in at the moment.

I've a few things to look forward to though. Apart from the issue i'm dealing with, lifes been looking up for me for a change.
Got my awesome vintage watch in the post to me. It'll be awesome when that arrives.
I've also realised that i've got alot more friends than I originally thought. It's amazing how many people you realise actually care when you need someone to talk to.
I've also been getting on quite well with Karate. Whilst I know it's still early days, i'm getting quite alot of positive comments from sensei, which is a real confidence booster.

In general, pretty mixed up with my emotions recently. Have my good days and my bad days, but life goes on.
Just got to keep on moving, getting on with everything, and staying positive.

Double pictures today - Just for you!

Thursday 29 September 2011

Have I changed?

Thats a question that has been rolling around my head for quite a while now, and when I think about it, the answer is yes. I've changed quite abit.

Not only has my appearance changed dramatically since this time last year, my personality has changed too. I'm less of a closed box, shy person. I like to think I put myself out there abit more now, and am a more approachable person to talk to.
I've already started to notice that when I walk, I walk abit prouder, not ashamed about myself.
As another way of putting it, I refer to a quote I heard from someone a while back. "Nuts on the road". Lay whatever i've got out and just go for it. Why the fuck not?

I've recently started doing Karate properly, at a local club. I've always been interested in martial arts, especially from an early age, but never had the motivation or the facilities to do so. So i've been really lucky finding this club. I already know that it's something I want to do. I think this and perhaps one other thing are the activities I want to persue properly.
That other thing being music. I'm not good at writing songs, infact I'm fucking awful at writing songs. But I think if I worked with the right person/people, i've possibly got the potential and the ability to atleast fulfill my expectaions from my music. Now all i've got to do is find the right people, though i've already got some people in mind...

I've just realised that everything i've just written wont make much grammatical sense, but fuck it, I cant be arsed to go back and sort it all out now.
I've also realised how much i've been neglecting my blog. I think the title of the blog has really put me off. I might have to either rename the blog, or just start a new one. The title really doesn't reflect my feelings at the moment. (I'll keep you posted on that decision).

Uni is starting again soon, I'm happier and more confident, things are looking up!
I really cant wait for the next few weeks - they're going to be mint!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

It's been a while, some big changes

As the title suggests, it's been a while since i've posted here. Should really get back into the habit of updating this more frequently. It'll atleast give me something to do on these long days where i've got fuck all to do.

Some of you may be wondering what i've been doing recently? Not much, to be honest, but there have been a few activities to keep me from going insane.
On the Saturday just gone, I did my first shift as an agency worker, which was pretty cool. It really helped me build up my confidence when meeting new people, by throwing me right out of my comfort zone. I also earned a fair wad of tips. Winner!
Whilst I shouldn't be proud of this, I've been playing alot of CoD online. This isn't a particuarly commendable activity, but it has appeased my boredom, and made me realise a few things.
That age old saying "practice makes perfect" is actually true. I've noticed myself getting better at it, getting a better score in each game, using different weapon combinations.
There is only really one thing I can take from this though, that being that if you put enough time and energy into something, you really will start to see results.
I had another realisation of this today during my asthma review at the doctors. The lovely doctor decided to check my height and weight, which initially I was a little concerned about. To my surprise, I heard some fantastic results, which has really renewed my outlook on everything I do, or decide to do in life.
Since my last weight check at the doctors, which was just before christmas, I have lost 33kg (approx 5st)
The last time I weighed myself at the gym, before I went home for the summer, I was 95kg (approx 14st 8 Ounces)
When the doctor weighed me today, I was 83kg (approx 13st)
 For the first time in my life, I'm genuinely proud of myself.
 There is still alot more work to be done, but it again shows that if you really put effort into something, you really do see results.   

 This somehow ties in quite closely to my thoughts recently, in the fact that i'm not really good at anything.
I've been trying to put my life into perspective, and think of things that i'm really good at. While I can list loads of things that I can do, I can't think of any that i'm really good at. And then when I think of my friends, and the things that immediately pop into my head is everything that they're really good at.
It makes me sad to think that my life hasn't got a particular direction; a lack of focus. I need to choose one of the things that I can do, and put more effort into it, so I can look back on my life, and think of all the things i've acheived while persuing it.
Choosing one thing to persue is going to be difficult. I might need help with that decision.
I'd like to say that this is going to be the turning point in my life, but I don't want to make that promise to myself.
What I can say this is, is the point at which I get the motivation to finally do something to make myself happier, to make myself good at something, and to make people proud of me for once.

In summary, i'm going to give myself a serious kick up the arse to get on and do something worthwhile with my short amount of time on this blessed Earth.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Times they have a Changed.

As I mentioned in my last post, there was something going down today that I was keeping secret, so it could be a surprise for my mom.
Essentially, I couldn't be arsed to wait for September to keep the surprise going, so i've revealed it, and now I can reveal it to you too.

Escuse the poor quality picture, as it was taken on my phone, but i've chopped off the hair!

Going to spend some time messing with it, getting to how I like it, but there it is.
It feels really fucking wierd to not have it blowing in the wind, and to be able to see bits of my ears. Time for a stretcher perhaps?

Let me know what you think!

Sunday 28 August 2011

The times they are a changin'...

I've not been listening to Bob Dylan, but I feel the next few days are going to be a real turning point in my life.
For those of you that already know whats going down, keep it a surprise for everyone else. I'm sure certain people I know will shit themselves with happiness when they find out whats going on...

 With the time that i've had by myself to think, i've been setting myself some goals to acheive. Most of them I probably wont actually reach, but at the time I thought I needed something to aim towards. At the moment, I feel like i'm a lost sheep, wandering around with no real aim in my life.
I need to find something i'm good at, and pour all my energy into it, so I can actually acheive something worthwhile in my life.
If you hadn't noticed, i've been in one of those deep thinking, soul searching kind of moods...

I haven't filled people in with what i've been up to recently. Probably because it's been a whole lot of fuck all...
To tell the truth, i've been applying for jobs, going to interviews, getting rejected and playing golf. Nothing too exciting, but I thought i'd let you know anyway.

It's also been a while since i've had a good rant. Finally, i've found something that has significantly pissed me off enough to make me rage.
Todays rant topic is: People with prams.
I admire people who have children, as it is something I too want to do in the future. I also have no problems with parents taking their children out shopping, or for a walk. It's infact a beautiful sight to see mother and baby out in the sun bonding.
However, what I do have a problem with is when they come out in gangs of about 5 of them, walking side by side down the pavement, as slow as humanly possible, making it impossible for those of us walking at a normal pace to get past.
Instead, I have to walk into the road, dodging double-decker busses and taxis, just to continue with my day without killing either myself, or the people infront of me.
Would it be too much to ask for these people to walk either abit quicker, or not side by side across the pavement, so people can get past them without having to walk into the road? I think not.
They even manage to piss me off when the child comes out of the pram and can walk. Some don't seem to care where the fuck their child runs, but then shouts at me when they start crying because they didn't look where the fuck it was running, and ran straight into me.
If they're going to have a child, atleast fucking control it when it's in a public place. (Easier said than done, I know, but atleast try to make an effort).
Rant over.

Hopefully going to start updating this abit more often. I feel i've been neglecting this recently. I'm disappointed in myself..

I remember one of my original posts on here, with a picture of a man who had used cats to replace his missing facial hair. Here is another man using a cat to be his facial hair. Making links with the past, I should be a time lord...

Sunday 21 August 2011

Deep, moody shit

I've been meaning to update this for the past few days, but have never been in the right mood to actually write anything worth reading (or stuff that makes sense).
Today is my first time being home alone in the new house in Chester, so i'm sitting in the dark, listening to my chilled out/inspirational playlist (Mostly consisting of John Mayer, Cat Stevens, some Aerosmith and DCFC) , some shit i've been thinking about recently is coming to the surface.
Hold tight motherfuckers!

You know that time when you're in bed, but not asleep? When all the lights are off, theres no sound (apart from the occasional ambulance or police car screaming past at top fucking volume) and you're mind is drifting to different things.
It's a very good time to think about stuff, and due to my fucked up sleep pattern, i've been spending several hours in this stage, so i've been thinking about some really random stuff, in a vain attempt to get to sleep.
Most the time I end up thinking about all the mistakes i've made over my life, or confrontations i've encountered that I could have handled differently. Occasionally, my mind wonders onto the future, to things that could happen, things that I would like to happen. But then I crash back down to reality, and to my really uncomfortable mattress.
I've even been thinking of ways I think I can change myself to perhaps better myself in life? Or maybe just to appease others.. Then I think "Why the fuck should I change to make others happy?" I'm not gonna lie and say i'm completely happy with the way I am at the moment, but I don't think I should have to change to make everyone else happy.
Thank god there are a few people that sometimes show me this, despite how drunk they are when they tell me...
I've also been thinking of questions i'd like to ask people, just to hear the answer. Some questions I really don't need to ask, becuase I already know what the answer is. But it's nice to hear it be said to you sometimes, apart from on special occasions...
Philosophical/deep Tom moment over for now...

In other news, for those of you who were interested, I think i've finally got a solid idea for a design for my tattoo I want to get. I know i've been talking about it for a long time, but considering i'm going to have it for the rest of my life, I wanted to put some serious thought into what I get, and make sure that i'm happy with it.
I've even started thinking of ideas for more tattoo's, once i've got this first one...
Now all I need to do is find a decent shop, get an actual design and then start saving up!

Since i'm here and writing away, i've just had this thought I wanted to jot down. I've just been flicking through my Facebook, and i've noticed I really don't have that many pictures of myself. I could sprout off a whole list of reasons for this, with the fundamental one being that I don't like having my picture taken. However, I think (during my endless thinking sessions) i've worked out why that was. I used to be horrendously self conscious. And I think it's time to change, for my own good rather than others.
Something is telling me right now that the moral of this blog is that I need to do things because I want to do them.

I always find it difficult to write and ending for an entry on here, with it always sounding like a clichéd pile of wank.
All I can do is aplogise for being a moody little bitch, and i'm going to prescribe myself a healthy dose of man the fuck up.
Cheers for reading and that. Hopefully next time I should be able to write about a slightly happier and upbeat subject than my current psyche.

Thursday 18 August 2011


To all those people that read this, and got their results today...



It's been a while since i've last updated, so I thought i'd be "Pro-active" (Oh yeah, I referenced the title. Deal with it.) and update you dedicated readers on what's been going down.

Tuesday night I was coerced into going out, despite most people knowing how much I generally dislike going out. Either way, I manned up, fixed up, looked sharp and went out.
We started at Lakota, and eventually moved onto RB's, for the big gay rave.
In one night I saw some rather odd looking people, and discovered that I don't like rave music. However, the cheesy party tunes that were on before that were ok.
Got chatting to someone who I haven't seen for a while, which was pretty cool, but I entivitably did classic night out Tom and went home. Had a quick chat with "honest Liam" later on, and learnt some cool stuff.
However, I digress.
I spent Wednesday crushing some more civilizations on Civ 5, and then went out for a meal in the evening. All-in-all, not too eventful, so again, I shall move on.
This morning I had a job interview at Chester Radio Taxis. I expected it to be a fairly in depth interview, however I was shocked to find that the interview was over after about 5 minutes.
They also seem impressed by the fact that I can build computers. They are the first people i've ever met to be genuinely impressed by that. What a day brightener.
Just been shopping in Chester, which in itself was abit of a trial. Bought a couple of books, which I probably shouldn't have bought, but fuck it, I did it anyway.
One of them is aptly named "Can't be arsed", which really reflected how I was feeling at the time. Winner!

As much as I don't want to admit it, I actually enjoyed myself a little bit the other night. Might have to try going out again soon, hopefully when i've got abit more money. Need to make bank bro!
I think my little chat with "honest Liam" has given me abit of a confidence boost. I can walk around with my head held a little higher, and with a small spring in my step. Need more times like that.

So that was my week. Pretty uneventful, but life goes on. Half the house are going to be absent this weekend, as they're all sodding off to V festival, leaving me with a lonely weekend at home alone. I should probably be used to this by now. A fair excuse to just watch TV and play games in my boxers. As a good welsh friend of mine would say "That's lush as fuck."

It's been a while since i've posted an amusing picture, so here is one i've found from my collection:

Enjoy! x

Sunday 14 August 2011

Pro Golfer Tom!

I'd firstly like to apologise and correct my horrendous spelling mistake that I made in my last post.
My "cup parry room" should have been "Cupboardy room". Damn you Autocorrect!

I have now finally sorted out my internet troubles, and am slowly sorting out a job back here in Chester. In the time that I have spare, I have been playing much golf, and destroying worlds on Civ 5.

Whilst some of you may know that back home, I live at a golf club, and have done for my entire life. For most, they seem to think that because I live at a golf club, I must be pretty in to it, and play it all the time. However, this is not the case, and it has only been recently that i've really started to take an interest in the sport. I haven't been playing reguarly for long, but already i'm starting to notice dramatic changes in my game.
Hopefully, once mr student loan has come to the rescue, i'll be able to buy a decent set of clubs and my game should start to improve dramatically.
I'll have to keep you posted on how that goes.

I've had a comment today from a self confessed "dedicated reader" of my blog, which has made me abit happier, knowing that someone reads this incoherent list of bullshit.
To this person, I will certainly post a link to my other blog when it is finally up and going. Hold tight!


Wednesday 10 August 2011

New house!

Moved into my new house in Chester yesterday. It was bait of a drama getting the cars packed, but after the traffic jam, unloading and unpacking was fairly easy.
Only problem thus far is my lack of reliable internet, which is why I'm typing today's blog on liam's iPad.

For the above reason, I'm going to keep this fairly short, but I'll post again when I get Internet working again, with a full blown and heavily opinionated rant about the riots that have been going down.

Might even include some pictures of the new house, and my cup parry room...


Tuesday 9 August 2011

All Aboard!

As I sit here in a chair that I must soon break down, the house is full of my stuff, all packed up, ready for me to move back to Chester.
In usual "Tom" style, i've been saying all week that i'm not going to be taking much, and we'll only need one car. Now it's all layed out, i'm looking at it all, and thinking "How the fuck am I going to get this in one car?"

Anyways, the day for me to move back up to Chester has come. After being delayed by a week due to work commitments, I am finally packing up and rolling out.
Busy times ahead!

In other news, the country has been going to shit over the past 48 hours. You probably all know this from the unrelentless facebook updates, and it being the headline on EVERY news channel.
Watching all these reports, and looking at some of the live updates I saw, it has just made me lose all hope for Britain.
And whilst that might sound like i'm being a miserable bastard, it isn't. I genuinely have lost pretty much all hope for Britain at the moment.
I could spend all day talking about possible socio-economic reasons for this, and getting all Geography on yo' asses, but i'll just put it in my own perspective.

1) David Cameron and the Tories are all fucking useless dicks.
"Oh no, rioting in the country that I lead, but i cba to cut my holiday short until the very last fucking minute" - Dick

Fair play to Boris Johnson, whilst he may be an absolute fucking loonatic, he cut loose from his holiday and got back as soon as shit started going down.
He may be an complete nutter, but I have alot of respect for that man.
I sometimes think he's probably out on the street with the police trying to catch the hooligans!
Not sure if any of you saw the news report where Boris took part in a house raid with the police? - If you didn't, get on YouTube and watch it. Fucking hilarious.
Rant over.

Going to be an interesting couple of weeks coming up. Lots of shit going down, so keep coming back for updates!

Sunday 7 August 2011

Angry Motorist...

I've never really been one for road rage, but recently there have been some things that are really beginning to piss me off.

As some of you may know, I ride a motorbike. In itself, this is pretty sweet, and the miles per gallon is amazing, making it nice and cheap.
However, as a motorcyclist, i'm supposed to stay to the right/middle of the lane, so as to let other road users to get around me if they wish. Most of the time I am able to do this, and life as an easy rider is fantastic.

Unfortunately, there  issomething about the roads in Worcestershire that make this increasingly impossible for me...
I understand the fact that sometimes roads must be dug up, to gain access to water or gas pipes. I also understand that the road must be re-layed after this work is done, so as to make it safe to drive on. However, what I don't understand is why they cant re-surface the whole fucking road, rather than just one single fucking strip, right where i'm supposed to fucking ride.
Not sure how many of you know this, but riding a motorbike on one specific thin patch of road is surprisingly difficult, and having to keep riding over the seam of this road can really put you off balance.

I wouldn't mind if this was just on the odd road, but this is pretty much everywhere I ride.
Not only that, but it is on both sides of the road. They may aswell have just resurfaced the entire fucking road, and my motorcyclists lifes about 200% easier.

Cheers tight-arsed Worcestershire County Council.

This is not the only thing to have pissed me off recently, but the growing number of people I like to call "cunts".
I don't enjoy using that word, but I feel it is justified to describe these insane fucking motorists. For example, ones that think it's cool to overtake me just as i'm getting through a set of traffic lights.
I wouldn't have minded if they had waited about another 5 seconds, for me to get through the lights, but no. Mr fucking 1.0 litre Rover Metro had to try and get past me, and nearly cause me to plough strait into a steel pole at 50mph.

Thus ends my motorist rant.

Moving back up to Chester on Tuesday. Should be fun times. Off to become a pro golfer like.
Watch out Tiger Woods...

Thursday 4 August 2011

It's been a while

As the title suggests, its been a week or so since i've updated here. Not much has happened if i'm honest, which is why i haven't updated. Boring shit really.
And with the lack of response to my last idea, i've decided to go back to what i find easiest, and venting some pure fucking rage.

In quite a pissed off mood today. Too many things have been getting to me, and i've been letting the rage build slowly. Sometime soon something is gonna tip me over the edge, and i'm going to drop a fucking rage bomb there and then. I feel sorry for whoever it is that will be on the receiving end of that one.

In other news, my brother is coming home for the weekend, quite looking forward to that in an odd kind of way. The last time i saw his face was at easter, and before that it was christmas. Don't get to see him too often, and i wouldn't have seen him if i hadn't been staying at home for an extra week.
Plenty to catch up on, and considering its probably gonna be the last time i see his face for a year or something, a fair amount of banter to be had.

If you are one of the few readers of this dead end blog, then i wouldn't expect too many more updates. I'm going to be pouring my energy and time into my other blog that i am writing, and other projects that i am involved in. Occasionally, there may be the odd rage update, but thats about it.

Sunday 24 July 2011

A Change of format

After my my general rant about Kidderminster/Bewdley, i noticed how much i actually enjoy ripping into things, or as some would call it, giving my opinion on certain matters.
It is this reason why i have decided i might freshen things up abit, and bring in a new feature to my blog.

Fear ye not,
the usual updates of my daily activities and happenings will still continue to be written, with the usual sarcasm and general unenthusiasm with life.

For this to work, i need your ideas on what to write about. So if you want to know what i think about something, and are prepared for the answer, leave me a comment telling me what to discuss!
If you don't want to leave a comment, message me on Facebook telling me what you would like.

Out of the first 5 suggestions i will choose my favourite, and you will recieve a specail and personalised thankyou from yours truly!


Saturday 23 July 2011


My mate Dan Jordan runs a clothing business called Black Altar Apparel, and is running a competition to win a FREE Bare Dank Tee!

For your chance to win, Re-blog this with the above picture, and a reason why you should win!

I should win becuase i'm a dedicated customer, and also a poor student in need of new clothes!

Black Altar Apparel:!/BlackAltar

Check them out! 

Friday 22 July 2011

23/07/11 - Day 14

I've decided to take a break from cleaning up the house abit to write todays blog. I say tidying the house, i mean moving all my shit from various rooms to make the house look reasonably presentable. I'm yet to do any actual cleaning.
Whilst doing this, i've also been sorting all my stuff out, and boxing up some of the stuff that i'm going to take with me back to Chester. It's suddenly hit me that i'm moving back to Chester in little over a week. 10 days to be exact. My time at home, which i had been wanting for so long, has gone by so quickly, and it feels as though i've done literally nothing with it.
I've caught up with a few of my friends, but this hasn't nearly been enough. I have only seen some of them briefly a couple of times, definately not enough to have properly caught up. I appreciate the time i've had to see them though. 
I've begun to realise the importance of home, and hopefully, money allowing, i'll make a few more visits home next year. 
Family and friends are definately more important to me than i first realised.
Maybe sometime they'll find their way up to Chester to visit. I would like that very much...

The past few days have left my sleep pattern severely disturbed. I have been going to sleep at around 3am, and then waking up at mid day. Not the best sleep pattern to have if i want to be even mildly productive.
Hopefully if all goes to plan, i should be able to reset it tomorrow, and all will be well again.
Today has been my most lazy day of the year yet. I woke up at 12:30pm, then sat in bed and watched back to back episodes of American Dad on my conveniently placed monitor at the end of my bed. Hunger finally drove me out of bed at about 4pm. Fucking quality day.

My recent blogs have been lacking a rant of some sort, but i think today is the day that i let loose and express my anger.
Todays rant is not of a particular event, or person, but of a collection of events and people.
My rant today is about the areas in which i live (Kidderminster, Bewdley, Stourport etc.)

The area in which i actually reside (Habberley) is generally a nice area. In the countryside, lots of green, trees and hills. Fantastic. However, it is abit secluded and "out of the way", which made having friends whilst i was growing up a fairly difficult concept. I always wanted to go out into town, whether this be Kidderminster or Bewdley, and be with friends, or just generally get away from Habberley in general.
At the time, when i did get to go into town, and get away from this place, i thought it was brilliant. Kidderminster/Bewdley were amazing places to go.
However, as i have aged, and seen more places in the country/world, i've come to realise what an actual shit hole Kidderminster (AKA Shitterminster, or Kiddie-fiddler) actually is, and how boring Bewdley is.

I will begin with Kidderminster:
I say i'll begin, but where the fuck do i start? Kidderminster can only be described with one word: Shit. The town centre has all but shut down. The only business that appears to be thriving there is McDonalds and Poundland. That should more than enough describe how shit the place is.
The people aren't much better. Most are uneducated scum, whose collective IQ probably wouldn't even reach 100.
The local cinema is a small converted carpet factory, located next door to one of Kidderminsters 3 shitty night clubs. If you go in to watch a late showing of a film, you'll probably be able to hear the shitty pounding bass from next door.
I could link you to pictures of one of the nightclubs, but i think my words alone are enough to explain how shit they really are.
One phrase comes to mind - "Not enough room to swing a cat". Not that you'd be able to swing the cat, as your feet a securely stuck to the ground by a 2 inch layer of several week old spilled drinks. It amazes me that any dancing actually goes on in there, rather than some awkward shuffling.
As for parks and recreation, hardly any left that you can actually go to without some 15 year old pregnant mother calling you a paedophile, or getting started on by a gang of 16 year olds who go to the park to drink a bottle of vodka and get some silly fucker to go buy them cigarettes.
There are a few nice things about Kidderminster, a few nice shops and secluded areas that are apparently safe enough to walk around at night, however they are truly rare.
I don't think words can describe how much i hate the rest of Kidderminster though.

Bewdley in itself is a nice town. Nice views, nice shops and a relatively friendly population, until it goes dark.
I went out the other night to a couple of pubs, and instantly remembered how shit it was to go out in Bewdley.
When i first started going out, Bewdley was epic, mainly because it was so new, and i could finally go out, and i was mostly always smashed. And whilst it does still sometimes have it's good moments, especially when the right people assemble, on the whole, Bewdley is shit as a night out.
In most pubs it's absolutely rammed and takes atleast 30 mins to get served at the bar. Even then it's hard to actually get served, as the bar staff have a hard time finding out what you want because it's so fucking loud. Trying to hold a conversation is near impossible, and ends up with you going home with a sore throat due to prolonged shouting.
It is also likely that, if you're someone like me who doesn't "fit in with the norm", you're going to have some sort of abusive comments thrown your way, or have people trying to start shit with you in the street. And whilst i am fairly used to it, it does get quite boring after a while.
In summary, Bewdley during the day: Fantastic. Bewdley at night: Fucking nightmare...

That pretty much concludes my epic rant that has been brewing for several days, and i hope that for the people that don't live in this area and have just read it, that it gives you a useful insight into the area in which i live, and possibly a warning to stay away.

Hopefully, my next blog won't be such a big rant, and may be "business as usual". If i'm feeling really adventurous, i might change up the format abit. Who knows...

Today i leave you with this useful guide:

You'll thank me for this one day. It might actually be useful...


Wednesday 20 July 2011

20/07/11 - Day 13

There is something about being home alone that is strangely enjoyable. There's something fantastic about doing what you want to do, when you want to do it, without people getting all up in your joint about it. However, social contact with other humans is still needed, to stop me from going insane. This is something that almost happened in Chester, when my day almost ground to a halt, and i started asking myself some deep-assed questions, like the meaning of life, and why we exist.
I couldn't think of any answers, and went back to watching endless repeats of shit on 4od.

I've started to lose my way abit with blog writing. Back in Chester, it was likely that something would happen during the day, whether it be a wasp attack, or some crazy observation from my window that i could write about. However, my days at home have been surprisingly uneventful, and so trying to produce a blog out of nothing can sometimes be difficult. Thus i have decided to include this picture...

As of yesterday, i've started getting back into listening to metal music. Whilst being at Uni, i started drifiting from listening to it, but still considered myself to be "part of the scene". When looking at my top 25 most played in iTunes, i did not see one single metal song, and was disappointed in myself. 
The even more depressing thing is that i cant remember why i stopped listening to it! I fell in love again as soon as i put on the first song. I just love the chugging bass, heavy as fuck breakdowns and blast beats, they're so fucking awesome.
There's so much new stuff i need to catch up on too. Gonna take some time, but i know it's gonna be fucking sick...
I also know that i want to go to more gigs. I've missed going to them. They were so fun to go to, even if they do portray a bad image for themselves. 
It is my aim this year, money allowing, to go to more gigs. Just need to find someone to go with...

Slowly it seems that things are starting to come together for me. My image has changed dramatically, and i can notice so many changes in myself. I'm getting closer to looking the way i want to be.
I think i've also started to sort out the general shit storm thats going on in my head. I'm getting a clearer idea of what i want to do in life, and hopefully i'll be able to start moving towards that goal. 

My mind also swings onto the subject of my hair. As most of you who reads this will know, i have quite long and crazy hair. And i've been thinking recently about "doing something with it".
Originally, i grew my hair as a way of taking the attention away from my size, and because i started listening to metal music, and i thought it'd be cool.
It caused a fair amount of upset in my family, but they learnt to accept it and things were good.
Since my shape has changed, and i feel i've matured somewhat, i've been thinking about getting it cut short. I thought it was time to "join the real world", and become a serious and employable individual. 
However, i've come to feel that my hair is something unique to me, and is part of who i am. It is also a link to my youth (talking as though i'm now old). All of these reasons are making me somewhat reluctant to get it cut, but i know in my heart of hearts that at some point i'm going to have to bite the bullet and get it done.
I don't think there are many employers out there that would take me seriously with this mop, and if i've any hope for my future goals, i think it is one thing that i'm just going to have to man up and do in order to acheive them.
I'll keep it for a little longer though...

Again there has been no rant, mainly due to the fact that i've done nothing and been nowhere to make me significantly angry enough to let lose all over the page. I can feel something brewing though. Hopefully something epic.

I'd love to get some more readers for this blog, so if you could find it in your hearts to perhaps subscribe, or to suggest this to other people to read, and get them to subscribe too, i'd be forever in your debt.

I leave you today with an image including a man that i grew up with. A hero almost, who essentially nurtured my love for animals and nature. Steve Irwin.

His untimely death shocked the world. However, i know he died the way he lived, with animals in his heart...


Monday 18 July 2011

18/07/11 - Day 12

I'm finding it difficult to start this blog off. I'm not really sure why, but i've hit a fairly serious writers block, so i'm just going to go for it, and hope that this entry makes some mild amount of sense...

This week has been fairly hectic for me, yet chilled out at the same time. It feels as though i've had no time at all to try and update my blog, but looking back at it, all i've really done is just chill out with different people.
To your surprise, i've spent very little time playing games, and have infact been out playing golf. Living at a golf club, you would expect that i would be doing this quite often, but no. My many years of living at a golf club have infact lead to a distinct hatred towards the game. However, it amazes me how a visit from one person can severely change your outlook on certain things, such as golf, and life in general.
These past few days have given me a renewed outlook on life in general, and things are feeling good for a change.
I am also very much looking forward to moving back to Chester. Whilst i always end up missing either area when i am away from it, i always seem to desire to move around. 
The fact i am finding it difficult to settle down perhaps shows that there are things missing from my life that i am looking for? Only time will tell...

Whilst i sit here and write this blog, i'm in a fairly strange mood. One which is screaming to me that there are more important things in life than money and possessions, and that i should chill the fuck out and enjoy life.
Whilst i agree with what my mind, which is currently being narrated by Obi Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor version), is telling me, i sometimes find it difficult to listen.
I've also just realised that i spend a fair amount of time telling people those exact words, but i still wonder why i sometimes find it so difficult to do what i tell myself and others.
"Each day is a gift..." Anon

Writers block has struck again, so i'm going to wrap it up here for now.
Main points to be taken from this blog:
1) New outlook on life
2) I seem to be looking for something?
3) Each day is a gift...

A fairly moody and philosophical blog, but that is the mood i am in at the moment. Hopefully it will be business as usual in the next blog, probably with an emotionally charged rant about something that has really fucked me off.

Thanks for sticking with me...

Monday 11 July 2011

Reminiscing: Part 2

So here it is, the concluding part to my recap of my first year of University.

I will start with my memories of Bache Hall:
My first thoughts of Bache Hall were fairly positive, as it was, so to speak, a place of my own. A place where i wasn't limited by transport availability, and somewhere i could be independant, and make my own decisions in life. However, this feeling of happiness with my new found dwelling was short lived, once i discovered the many negative factors of living there. For example;
1) Unrelentless heat
2) Wasp infestation
3) Uneven floor
4) Strobe light toilet
The heat of the building is comparable to that of the middle of the sun. It was so rediculously hot that i spent most of winter walking around in shorts and a wifebeater.
And as many of you who have seen and/or commented on my many wasp related facebook status', you will already know the sheer amount of annoyance the wasp infestation caused. The fact that the university then refused to do anything about the problem only caused me more anger, and led to me taking the fight into my own hands. Armed with my trusty National Geographic, and my dust pan, i managed to defeat the oncoming wasp invasion.
Something that will come up later on in one of my stories, the floor of the upstairs corridor was perilously uneven, and has led to some accidents. This quickly became an annoyance, as you actually had to be really careful whilst stumbling back to your room while you are drunk. Also, there was a massive fuck off step half way down the corridor, another pointless obsticle making the trip back to your room a difficult one.
During the second term, the light in the bathroom/toilet stopped working properly, and when turned on, would flash with the speed and timing of a strobe light. It could have snuffed out any latent epileptics that were living there, and made it very difficult to use the facilites at night without getting blinded by a bright light every two seconds. 
To be honest though, i wouldn't have had it any other way...

I also promised to talk about some of the more memorable nights out that i've enjoyed:
1) Strip Club - A night where a group of 10 of us (mostly the girls and their boyfriends) went to the local strip club. This was a strange night, which resulted in a complete nature role reversal, in which most of the girls went and got private dances from the strippers, and the blokes just stood back and let them do it. Very strange, and to this day, i will not understand why it happened like that.
2) Stopping in night number 1 - This was in the second week of being at uni, and we all decided to stay in and have a few drinks. Unfortunately, a my definition of "a few drinks" seemed to be different to everybody elses, and resulted in me being horrendously drunk. It was at this point i decided it would be a fantastic idea to run down the corridor to my room to get more alcohol, and fell foul of the uneven floor. I ended up falling down, taking the skin off the top of my foot, and smashing my head into Liam's door. On my return downstairs i was told to pour neat vodka into my open wound, which at the time seemed like a fantastic idea, and i proceeded to do so, which resulted in some seering pain, and a horrible infection in my foot, in which i could not feel my toes for approximately 3 days.
3) Sick in my mouth night - This was another night that we decided to stay in and have a few drinks. This night i decided i'd take on a 24 pack of Stella Artois by myself. In my defence, i did take down atleast 15-18 of the cans (I forget the exact number), but resulted in me passing out in my bed, and vomiting in my sleep. Luckily, my good pal Liam was there to catch my projectile vomit in his hands, and then pick out the rest of the sick from my mouth before i choked on it. It was at this point he thought i was having a heart attack, and went to get help. My everlasting memory of this night was lying in bed, surrounded by a gang of people being asked if anybody in my family had a heart condition, to which my reply was "Nah, i'm fine...". I woke up without a hangover, feeling fantastic and with a strange disliking for Stella Artois...
4) Martin terrorises nature - This night on the whole was pretty shit for, as all in one night my emotions and self confidence got crushed by one person. However, it picked up later on when Martin tried to navigate his way home from the SU. At the time i found it quite annoying, but i managed to find him stumbling down Liverpool Rd. and walked him home. On the way home, Martin decided it'd be a fantastic idea to bite a tree. He then proceeded to kick a different tree, and then destroy a thistle plant. Once i got him back to Bache Hall, we found a hedgehog running across the lawn, and Martin decided to terrorise the poor animal, by throwing sticks and leaves at it, and then scaring it by shouting at it. This on the whole made me chuckle, and i gained a quid from it, as Martin thought it appropriate to distribute his money across the floor...

There are so many other nights i could talk about, however i think those are best left for a different blog.

Now for my Top 10 best moments of my first year. There are in no particular order, and are listed as i thought of them...
1) Meeting loads of new people, and having some awesome nights out
2) Running the Half Marathon
3) Going to A&E with Liam at 5:30am to get his fucked up ear sorted.
4) Martin attacking nature
5) Slapton Fieldtrip
6) Sitting out in the corridor for hours chilling with everyone
7) Night time walks with Martin to nowhere
8) Karate training in the common room
9) Spending a week on the field drinking in the sun
10) Making some friends for life, and making plans for the future with them

Well there it is, a very brief rundown of my first year of University. 
I'm already looking forward to the second...


Sunday 10 July 2011

Reminiscing: Part 1

Todays blog is going to take a slightly different format. Yet again, my days have involved me doing a whole lot of fuck all, and so i thought i would not bore you by trying to spin me lack of activities into a full blown blog.
The other day i received my exam results (passed everything thank god), and i thought it'd be a good idea to reminisce about my first year of University.

So here it is, My first year of University: (part 1)

University has been a rollercoaster ride of unbelievable high's and low's. Much like some extreme metal songs i could list. But on the whole i have enjoyed my time in Chester so far, despite the weather, wasps, shite accommodation, debt and drama. But to be honest, i wouldn't have had it any other way.

When i first moved in to Bache Hall (Accommodation), i was very apprehensive and nervous about this new stage of my life. Whilst i knew i could look after myself, i was still moving away from the place that i had called home for my entire life. This, coupled with the fact that i am a rediculously shy person at the best of times, meant that i hardly spoke to anybody for the first week. 
On the first couple of nights i managed to get some dutch courage into me, which essentially means i got absolutely hammered, and started making friends. 
It wasn't long until my friendship group started to be clearly defined, which is when i realised for the first time that i had got a full set of real and functioning friends. This feeling was fantastic, and meant that for several weeks my nights out were fantastic. 
However, the result was always the same, a pounding hangover, and a fair amount of spent money.
Quickly, i began to remember how much i hate going out, mainly because i'm surrounded by hundreds of drunken fuckers, who can find nothing better to do that comment about my hair, size and/or glasses. Thus, i started to become more of a miserable fucker, and came home early on nights out. 
It also meant that i was sober and awake enough to help the other people home, acting as a sort of search and rescue service to many. 
This service continued right to the last minute, and will probably continue right through my entire time at university...
To be honest, i quite look forward to it. 

Like i mentioned earlier, there was a fair amount of drama over the first year, which was mostly manifested in the first and second terms. Long story short, it resulted in there being a man down. Whilst some of us were at first disappointed by this, we quickly got over it, and things are much better without them.
After this, my search and rescue service was on call 24/7, but we all worked our way through it fairly quickly, and have managed to give me a break for a while.
At one point, there was a weekly drama, that would start on friday, and be resolved on sunday. Standard.
There were many more dramas that occured, but i don't want to go into detail about them, but know this; there was much drama over the first year.

The think the most dramatic changes to me have happened over my first year, both physically and emotionally.
I realise now, after browsing through old pictures, how much i have actually changed. Not only has my appearance changed, with me losing a fair amount of weight, but i also think that i've matured alot. 
I can feel in myself that i have abit of real world experience now, and approach situations differently, compared to when i first came to university.
Before university, i could hardly talk to new people. Conversation and social skills were severely lacking, which stunted my social life.
Now i can talk alot easier to people, and conversation is not as awkward as it was. This has opened a whole new world to me, and it feels great.
I can also find talking to girls much easier. Before i used to be so unbelievably shy, i could hardly sustain a conversation with them. This was mainly due to my shape and size though. And whilst i'm still not where i want o be, physically, it has become alot easier to open up and be more sociable.
This worked for a while, and i got talking to one person that i really liked. I made my feelings quite clear, and things were going great for a change. However, my feelings were quickly crushed by certain events that happened. Don't really want to say much more on this.

I think this may be enough for you all to take in at once. I shall continue this story in a later post.

Coming next time:
Quitting drinking
Tales of drunken nights out
Bache Hall
Top 10 best moments of my year.

Friday 8 July 2011

08/07/11 - Day 11

I have finally got round to updating the blog today. The past few days i have either been too busy with work, or simply wasn't in the mood to pour out thoughts from my brain onto here. Alas, the time has come for another installment of my life.

Firstly, i wish to bring a couple of things to peoples attention.
1) Andy McKee - Amazing Acoustic guitarist. Check out this song (
2) Black Altar Apparel - My mate Dan Jordan's clothing line. New stuff coming out every season. Check it out and perhaps purchase a cheeky tee or two? (

As you may have guessed, my days have again been filled with playing games and watching DVD's. My standard life in Chester has essentially followed me home. This is until i get some time alone, then let my summer plan commence.
However, i have started to ease myself away from constantly playing CoD or Dead Rising, and have opted for some slightly more chilled out games, including one rediculously trippy one called Audiosurf.
I urge you all to check that shit out. But don't do it if you've been taking drugs, it might fuck you over abit.
My thoughts have recently taken a swing to my results, and hoping to god that i have passed, as i honestly don't think i can afford to do resits. 
Whilst i think i have passed, even if with a third, a pass is a pass at this stage. All i can hope is that i do pass, and i can implement my plans for next year, and make sure i do well. It all counts from now...

If there is one thing i cant stand in life, it is lying. This subject makes me feel quite hypocritic, as I myself have lied on many an occasion, and i'm sure this will be brought to light on judgement day when i "meet my maker". However, i do try my best to live a fairly honest life.
When people/things lie, blatently, to my face, i really cannot stand it. Hence my phrase "it's the lies i can't stand".
Take this as an example:
Trying to run a program on computer. Computer says it is running, when it blatently isn't. Q.E.D - LYING.
It just makes me so fucking angry. 
And i understand why people lie, and how sometimes it is necessary (Like in the Dark Knight, to stop Gotham going to shit), but unnecessary lying is just pointless, and will never end well.

These next two weeks will hopefully bring some different activities to report on, and some new things to rant about, as i'm sure a by-product of my adventures will be something that has horrendously pissed me off.
It may also bring an opportunity to chill with some mates, and go out and do something. 
When i say go out and do something, i mean something that doesn't involve money, as i'm rediculously skint.

My picture today is actually my current desktop background.

It's in 1080p, so feel free to steal it if you wish, but this just makes me smile everytime i look at my desktop, The sarcasm with which it states it is so happy somehow reflects me in picture form.

Until next time... 

Sunday 3 July 2011

03/07/11 - Day 10

Let myself slip with the blog writing recently. I blame work making me tired all the time, or perhaps the fact that my sleep pattern is severely fucked. I should probably try and sort that out.

As mentioned before, these past few days i have been working. On the face of things, this sounds like a pretty shit way to spend your summer, but on the other hand, the money is fantastic. I can now actually afford to put petrol in the motorbike, and actually consider buying things from the steam summer sale.
Apart from this, i have again been wasting my time with aimless facebook browsing and playing games. I should really start thinking about implementing my summer plans soon, or i fear that by the time i return to University, my brain will have been replaced with some sort of fleshy mush which is hell bent on heatshotting fools with a sniper rifle, or slaying zombies with chainsaws and lawnmowers. I don't think that'll be too useful when studying Geography. Unless ofcourse we're looking at the geography of an area, and how good it would be to assassinate someone, or the best places to survive during a zombie apocalypse.
I like to think of myself as having a "Dual core brain", with one core concentrating on University work, or academic stuff in general,  and the other core concentrating on everything else, including survival, other peoples wellbeing and socialising. I feel that at this moment both cores are occupied with games, making me a very brain efficient killing machine. 

One thing that has recently been getting to me is people who are so drunk, or old, or a combination of the two to remember anything, and end up asking rediculous questions.
Whilst i cannot blame the people for being too old, infact i congratulate them for surviving the cholera outbreaks of the 1800's, but i do feel that some of them should be kept out of society for mine and their own safety (I'm a very brain efficient killing machine now..)
Take example 1: I was outside cleaning my motorbike, polishing the chrome and cleaning the dirt from around the engine, making it look pretty epic in general. Up plods this old bloke who has known that i have owned a motorbike for over a year, has known i have been back from university for over a week (because i have served him food and drink several times), and knows what i am doing at university, because i have told him atleast 5 times.
He comes over to me and says, 
"Oh hello Thomas, I didn't know you were back from university"
"Oh, is this your motorbike, i don't think i've ever seen it before"
"What is it you're doing at university?"
While i smile and answer his questions, my internal monologue goes something like this:
"What the fuck mate, i served you food and drink on thursday night. Are you blind or something?"
"Seriously? I've owned this bike for over a year now. You even saw it after the fucking accident! And you've seen me riding it around before. You're really starting to worry me now."
"Ok pal, now you're taking the piss. Pin your fucking ears back this time, and listen to me good. I'm doing GEOGRAPHY. Is that a plain enough answer for you? Or has that gone in one ear and straight out the fucking other? Why am i kidding myself here? You're obviously going to come and ask me the same questions next week. Just fuck off please."
To be fair, this person is a nice enough bloke, and has helped me out alot in the past. He's also very generous, and tips like an absolute god, but i seriously think he should be kept at home for his own safety. I'm surprised he remembers where he lives. I imagine sometimes he just drives around, cant remember where his house is and then spends the night in backseat of his car in a lay-by somewhere until he remembers.
A little bit harsh i know, but it really gets to me.
What's even worse is when you have to go through this process with your own relatives...

This photo reflects how much of a hero Samuel L. Jackson is. Aside from being a serial badass, se still finds time to narrate an audio book (For all those who haven't listen, go to youtube immediately and search for "Go the fuck to sleep"), and play guess who with small ginger child. 
And yes Samuel, he does look like a bitch.

Peace x

Wednesday 29 June 2011

29/06/11 - Day 9

Probably going to try and keep this short and sweet, as i thing the super long blogs are abit tedious to read after a while.

I have spent the past couple of days in the company of my "home friends".
I think i have missed their company more than i first realised, and was pleased to spend some quality time catching up with them.
I spent this evening sat outside the pub with my mates. The sun was out, and the view was epic, and for the first time in a while, i genuinely felt happy.
On the other hand, i had the gap that my "Chester friends" have left now we are all at home, but maybe this is a realisation that i cannot cut myself off from either group.
Hopefully August will see me a much happier person in general. Maybe some good shit will happen soon. I think i need it.

In other news, i went to see an advanced screening of the new Transformers film. That's right, i saw it a whole 12 hours before the offical UK release.
Suck it bitches!
I reccommend it to anyone. The graphics in it are amazing, and whilst at first i was disappointed that they had replaced Megan Fox, the new actress has an eaqually amazing body. Cudos to Michael Bay for finding her...

Also thankyou to my 1 follower. 
This made me both excited and miserable at the same time. Now i know that someone actually read my thoughts (Good times). On the other hand, there is only one person. I thank this person greatly, but i would like more people to read this.
Perhaps make myself go viral? - Make some cash from this shit i write. 
I can dream i suppose.
If anyone has suggestions on how to make this happen, let me know.

My picture today relates to a question everybody should ask themselves daily...

Peace x

Monday 27 June 2011

On a side note..

If you are a dedicated follower of my blog, perhaps you could subscribe to it ?
Not only will it save me texting the people i know to read it, it also lets me know how many people actually read my humble thoughts.

Cheers x

27/06/11 - Day 8

While i write this entry, let it be known that i am having to peel myself off my seat. The heat in this room is immense. I just want you to know what sort of conditions i am enduring to fill you in with my days. I hope that when this finds you, you are not in a similar sort of heat to me.

I might mix up the format today. I might make a rant sandwich. Rant - Daily happenings - Rant.
This will be interesting...

Thanks to the non monitored internet, i have been able to partake in some online gaming. I have missed this very much, and found getting back into slaying some sorry motherfuckers on CoD has been quite easy. However, there is something about the online gaming community that really does not sit well with me.
Firstly, the people that feel it necessary to shout stuff down their microphones. Most of the time, you cannot even make out what the people are saying, it just comes out as a garbled sentance of pounding bass and background noise.
I find myself before most matches going down the lobby list, muting everybody. After a while, this becomes quite a tedious task.
Whilst i myself might seem abit hypocritic, as i use a microphone, this is usually to talk on skype to other people in my party, or to give constructive help/orders, rather than to just deafen everybody else playing the game.
Secondly, as many of the people reading this will know, camping (staying in one place for a long time, picking off people without them being able to get a shot at you) is quite a common occurance. Most people know the best places to go, and many people exploit them. Even i camp occasionally. It is a simple tactic that everybody utilises. I have no problems with people camping. I see it as people playing the game, and at the end of the day, we are all out to have some fun.
What does piss me off is the people that complain about people camping. Whilst i can understand that people camping can be quite annoying, i find it even more annoying when the people complaining about it the go and do it. They usually shout about it down the microphone. Fuckers...
I also hate the way that people who don't do very well, or use weapons (such as a grenade launcher, or a shotgun) are called "noobs". At the end of the day, we are all playing to have some fun, and these people are using those weapons and having fun. 
1. Stop complaining. You sound like a whiney bitch
2. Everybody has to start somewhere. You too were a noob once.
Rant number 1 over. Moving on...

My days have continued to mainly consist of catching up on some long overdue gaming, and exercising. 
There is something strangely satisfying about the exercise, maybe it is because i am now able to start seeing visible changes in my appearance. Or the fact that the amount of people coming up to me and telling me that i've lost weight. I think it's giving me abit of a confidence boost, and the motivation to carry on with what i'm doing. 
The past couple of days have seen my thoughts again turning to the tattoo that i want to get. I still have no exact design for it yet, but all i know is that i definately want it doing soon. When i say soon, i mean within the next couple of years, and definately before i leave university.
Just to give a vague idea of what i want, i would like a design that incorporates this piece of text: 
"It matters not how strait the gate,
  How charged with punishments the scroll,
 I am the master of my fate:
 I am the captain of my soul."
If there are any artists with any ideas of designs i could use with this, don't hesitate to get in touch... 

As you can probably tell from the first sentances of the post, i am not particuarly enjoying the weather at the moment.
Whilst i have nothing against sunshine and warm weather, i do have something against overcast and humid warm weather, which usually comes without a breeze.
From studying weather and climate, i know why this happens, but either way, i really fucking hate everything about it. The only part of it i enjoy is the massive fuck off thunderstorm you get at the end of it. Unless it knocks out the power or internet, then i fucking hate them too.
Everything about the current weather makes me fucking miserable. There is no way anybody can look good when they're sweating their tits off, being clammy and looking like a general greasy mess.
 I think i know why people in mediterranean countries have their little break in the middle of the day. Mainly because its too fucking hot to do anything, especially serve overpriced soft drinks to unsuspecting tourists. Theiving bastards...

My picture today takes a surprisingly politcal swing, which is unusual for me. Whilst eating tea, i was listening to a news report about how the Tories are essentially shafting this country straight up the ass. It made me think that our generation are soon going to be living in broken Britain, with no hope of rescue.

I thought i'd also slip this in here, because i like meerkats

Today's has been quite a long one, but i once again thank you for sticking around to read my humble thoughts,
Peace x